Guide of Experts

This directory of researchers is made available to the whole academic community of the CHARM-EU universities.

In the frame of the CHARM-EU’s Common Science Agenda, TORCH developed a joint strategy towards building shared structures and initiatives that were the cornerstone of the Alliance’s R&I dimension. This plan comprises:

  • Devising a joint approach to support multidisciplinary, challenge-driven research projects for CHARM-EU.
  • Prompting the creation of scientific networks across the Alliance universities and providing support to scientific teams developing research proposals in relation to the TORCH Research Challenges.
  • Conceiving an Action Plan on the development of a CHARM-EU joint office to manage and support research activities.

As part of this initiative, it was devised to create a directory of academics (researchers/teachers) within the CHARM-EU institutions that could be queried through this searching tool.

This directory of researchers is made available to the whole academic community of the CHARM-EU universities, its purpose being threefold:

  • Academic staff and researchers would be able to find (and will be findable by) potential partners to join European and national research projects based on their expertise and interests.
  • The CHARM-EU staff developing the Alliance’s teaching programmes should be able to find suitable teachers/researchers that could join the diverse initiatives: Master’s programme in Global Challenges for Sustainability, and any other programmes.
  • The research support offices in our universities, in charge of managing European research proposals and projects, should be able to find researchers to complete new consortia, based on their expertise and interests.

Entering the Guide of Experts is totally voluntary. Researchers only need to complete an online entry form that takes approximately 15 minutes. The CHARM-EU team is currently working on this entry form, which will be available in the coming weeks.

The Guide of Experts, when searching for results, displays a single researcher card for each of the experts in the directory, with information about their research interests and expertise. See an example here. (link to a card)

The academic staff from the following 9 CHARM-EU universities is invited to join the Guide of Experts:

In the entry form you will be requested to add information related to:

  • Academic and professional data: email address, university, faculty, department, academic position, researcher ID profiles, institutional and personal webpages.
  • Research interests and background: field of science, keywords describing interests, research connections with UN SDGs.
  • Experience in European/national research projects.
  • Teaching expertise and experience: keywords describing interests, teaching practices.
  • Desired level of involvement in potential activities developed within CHARM-EU (both in teaching and research).

This Guide of Experts only publicly displays academics’ data about their professional details, research expertise and interests, and teaching interests (keywords), following RGPD’s Article 5.1.c (‘data minimisation’). Any information collected about involvement in CHARM-EU Activities, and detailed teaching experience will not be displayed.