Resource center

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Title of the resourceLanguagesResource typeshf:tax:audiencehf:tax:resource-content
Resum de les directrius pedagògiques
Resum de les directrius pedagògiquesCatalàDeliverable, DocumentViewacademic learner policymaker researcher stakeholder support-stafflearning teaching
Resumen de las directrices pedagógicas
Resumen de las directrices pedagógicasSpanishDeliverable, DocumentViewlearner policymaker researcher stakeholder support-stafflearning teaching
Pedagógiai Irányelvek: összefoglalás
Pedagógiai Irányelvek: összefoglalásHungarianDeliverable, DocumentViewacademic learner policymaker researcher stakeholder support-stafflearning teaching
Résumé des recommandations pédagogiques
Résumé des recommandations pédagogiquesFrenchDeliverable, DocumentViewacademic learner policymaker researcher stakeholder support-stafflearning teaching
Manual d’estratègies d’ensenyament i aprenentatge
Manual d’estratègies d’ensenyament i aprenentatgeCatalàDeliverableViewresearcherlearning teaching
Manual de estrategias de enseñanza y aprendizaje
Manual de estrategias de enseñanza y aprendizajeSpanishDeliverableViewacademic researcherlearning teaching
Tanítás- és tanulásmenedzsment kézikönyv
Tanítás- és tanulásmenedzsment kézikönyvHungarianDeliverableViewacademic researcherlearning teaching
Guia per al disseny de productes mínimament viables per a l’entorn d’aprenentatge virtual de la CHARM-EU
Guia per al disseny de productes mínimament viables per a l’entorn d’aprenentatge virtual de la CHARM-EUCatalàDeliverableViewacademiclearning teaching
De CHARM-EU Digitale Leeromgeving minimal viable product ontwerp gids
De CHARM-EU Digitale Leeromgeving minimal viable product ontwerp gidsDutchDeliverableViewacademiclearning teaching
Guía para el diseño de productos mínimamente viables para el entorno de aprendizaje virtual de la CHARM-EU
Guía para el diseño de productos mínimamente viables para el entorno de aprendizaje virtual de la CHARM-EUSpanishDeliverableViewacademiclearning teaching
Útmutató a CHARM-EU-féle virtuális tanulási környezet alapszintű prototípusának tervezéséhez
Útmutató a CHARM-EU-féle virtuális tanulási környezet alapszintű prototípusának tervezéséhezHungarianDeliverableViewacademiclearning teaching
Samenvatting Onderwijskundige RichtlijnenDutchDeliverable, DocumentViewacademic learner policymaker researcher stakeholder support-stafflearning teaching
Manuel des Stratégies d'Enseignement et d'Apprentissage
Manuel des Stratégies d’Enseignement et d’ApprentissageFrenchDeliverableViewacademic researcherlearning teaching
Guide de design d’un espace numérique de travail minimal
Guide de design d’un espace numérique de travail minimalFrenchDeliverableViewacademiclearning teaching
Handboek Teaching & Learning Strategieën
Handboek Teaching & Learning StrategieënDutchDeliverableViewacademic researcherlearning teaching
Full de ruta per dissenyar un pla d’estudis
Full de ruta per dissenyar un pla d’estudisCatalàDeliverableViewacademicteaching
Hoja de ruta para diseñar un plan de estudios
Hoja de ruta para diseñar un plan de estudiosSpanishDeliverableViewacademicteaching
Blauwdruk Curriculumontwerp
Blauwdruk CurriculumontwerpDutchDeliverableViewacademicteaching
Directrius de contingut dels programes
Directrius de contingut dels programesCatalàDeliverableViewacademicteaching
Directrices de contenido de los programas
Directrices de contenido de los programasSpanishDeliverableViewacademicteaching
A képzési tartalomra/tananyagra vonatkozó irányelvek
A képzési tartalomra/tananyagra vonatkozó irányelvekHungarianDeliverableViewteaching
Treoirphlean don Dearadh Curaclaim
Treoirphlean don Dearadh CuraclaimIrishDeliverableViewacademicteaching
Treoirlínte Ábhar an Chláir
Treoirlínte Ábhar an ChláirIrishDeliverableViewacademicteaching
Mobility (WP5) presentation at the 20th Hungarian National Conference on Education
Mobility (WP5) presentation at the 20th Hungarian National Conference on EducationHungarianPresentationViewacademic policymaker researcher stakeholder support-staffmobility
Mobility (WP5) presentation at the ErasmusDays 2020@ELTE event
Mobility (WP5) presentation at the ErasmusDays 2020@ELTE eventHungarianPresentationViewacademic policymaker researcher stakeholder support-staffmobility
Treoir dhearaidh CHARM-EU maidir le táirge imharthana íosta na timpeallachta fíorúla foghlama
Treoir dhearaidh CHARM-EU maidir le táirge imharthana íosta na timpeallachta fíorúla foghlamaIrishDeliverableViewacademiclearning teaching
Lámhleabhar maidir le Straitéisí Teagaisc agus Foghlama
Lámhleabhar maidir le Straitéisí Teagaisc agus FoghlamaIrishDeliverableViewacademic researcherlearning teaching
Achoimre ar na Treoirlínte Oideolaíochta
Achoimre ar na Treoirlínte OideolaíochtaIrishDeliverable, DocumentViewacademic learner policymaker researcher stakeholder support-stafflearning teaching
Interaktív mobilitási kézikönyv
Interaktív mobilitási kézikönyvHungarianDocumentViewacademic policymaker stakeholder support-staffmobility
Innovatív mobilitási mátrix
Innovatív mobilitási mátrixHungarianDeliverableViewacademic policymaker researcher support-staffmobility
Egyedi mobilitásfinanszírozási rendszer
Egyedi mobilitásfinanszírozási rendszerHungarianDeliverableViewacademic policymaker researcher support-staffmobility
First steps towards an innovative governance and management model for a new type of alliance
First steps towards an innovative governance and management model for a new type of allianceEnglishDeliverable, DocumentViewpolicymaker researcher support-staffgovernance
CHARM-EU Educational Principles Infographic
CHARM-EU Educational Principles InfographicEnglishInfographicViewacademic learner researcher stakeholderlearning teaching
Innovative models for increasing mobility: CHARM-EU as one of the European Universities
Innovative models for increasing mobility: CHARM-EU as one of the European UniversitiesEnglishPresentationViewacademic learner researcher stakeholder support-staffmobility
CHARM-EU educational principles: Practical tips for Knowledge Creating Teams
CHARM-EU educational principles: Practical tips for Knowledge Creating TeamsEnglishChecklist, DocumentViewacademic stakeholderteaching
Emerging Technologies Reader
Emerging Technologies ReaderEnglishDeliverableViewacademic stakeholderlearning research teaching
Technology-enhanced learning workshop
Technology-enhanced learning workshopEnglishPresentationViewacademic learnerlearning teaching
Transdisciplinary Teambuilding Workshop
Transdisciplinary Teambuilding WorkshopEnglishPresentationViewacademic learner policymaker researcher stakeholder support-stafflearning research teaching
Concept note on new aspects of the CHARM-EU mobility system
Concept note on new aspects of the CHARM-EU mobility systemEnglishDocumentViewacademic policymaker researcher stakeholder support-staffmobility
CHARM-EU Winter School Report: Design Exemplar
CHARM-EU Winter School Report: Design ExemplarEnglishDocumentViewacademic learner policymaker researcher stakeholder support-stafflearning research sustainability teaching
CHARM-EU Vision and Mission (2019)
CHARM-EU Vision and Mission (2019)EnglishDocumentViewacademic learner policymaker researcher stakeholdergeneral-information
Inclusivity tips for CHARM-EU educators
Inclusivity tips for CHARM-EU educatorsEnglishDocumentViewacademicinclusivity
Hybrid Classroom Handbook
Hybrid Classroom HandbookEnglishDocumentViewacademic support-staffteaching
Towards comprehensive mobility approaches: Marrying the inclusion, sustainability and the digital agendas
Towards comprehensive mobility approaches: Marrying the inclusion, sustainability and the digital agendasEnglishPresentationViewacademic policymaker researcher stakeholder support-staffinclusivity mobility sustainability
Creating an inclusive and warm welcome in your CHARM-EU module
Creating an inclusive and warm welcome in your CHARM-EU moduleEnglishInfographicViewacademicinclusivity teaching
Inclusivity statement in the CHARM-EU Master’s Module descriptors
Inclusivity statement in the CHARM-EU Master’s Module descriptorsEnglishInfographicViewacademicinclusivity teaching
CHARM-EU’s inclusivity featured at the EUTOPIA Digital Inclusion Joint Conference on 2nd July 2020
CHARM-EU’s inclusivity featured at the EUTOPIA Digital Inclusion Joint Conference on 2nd July 2020EnglishPresentationViewacademic policymakerinclusivity
CHARM-EU Factsheet
CHARM-EU FactsheetEnglishDocumentViewlearner policymaker researcher stakeholder support-staffgeneral-information
CHARM-EU and TORCH - Educating and Researching the European University
CHARM-EU and TORCH – Educating and Researching the European UniversityEnglishPresentationViewacademic learner policymaker researcher stakeholder support-staffinclusivity research sustainability teaching
Inspiration session: Challenge-based learning
Inspiration session: Challenge-based learningEnglishPresentationViewacademic learner researcherteaching
CHARM-EU Days Programme 2020
CHARM-EU Days Programme 2020EnglishDocumentViewacademic learner policymaker researcher stakeholder support-staffgeneral-information
Forum on European University Governance
Forum on European University GovernanceEnglishDeliverableViewlearner policymaker researcher stakeholder support-staffgovernance
Tips for creating more inclusive CHARM-EU events
Tips for creating more inclusive CHARM-EU eventsEnglishDocumentViewacademic learner policymaker researcher stakeholder support-staffinclusivity
“Inclusion in the DNA of CHARM-EU, - strategies for inclusion within universities in the 21st century” – CHARM-EU’s work was featured at the AHEAD Ireland 2022 Conference on 21st March 2022
“Inclusion in the DNA of CHARM-EU, – strategies for inclusion within universities in the 21st century” – CHARM-EU’s work was featured at the AHEAD Ireland 2022 Conference on 21st March 2022EnglishPresentationViewacademic learner policymaker researcher stakeholder support-staffinclusivity
“Bridging the gap: Inclusion and Higher Education in Global 2030 Agenda. The role of European University Initiatives across Europe and beyond” – CHARM-EU’s work was featured at the EUTOPIA Inclusion Seminar on 17 June 2022EnglishPresentationViewacademic learner policymaker researcher stakeholder support-staffinclusivity
“Inclusion in the DNA of CHARM-EU.” – CHARM-EU’s work on inclusion and diversity was featured at the Education and Innovation Summit on 23rd June 2022
“Inclusion in the DNA of CHARM-EU.” – CHARM-EU’s work on inclusion and diversity was featured at the Education and Innovation Summit on 23rd June 2022EnglishPresentationViewacademic learner policymaker researcher stakeholder support-staffinclusivity
‘Inclusion by design - Mainstreaming inclusion and diversity’ joint workshop by CHARM-EU & EUTOPIA at the CHARM-EU Governance Forum on 24th March 2022
‘Inclusion by design – Mainstreaming inclusion and diversity’ joint workshop by CHARM-EU & EUTOPIA at the CHARM-EU Governance Forum on 24th March 2022EnglishPresentationViewacademic learner policymaker researcher stakeholder support-staffgovernance inclusivity interculturality
CHARM-EU Master's Global Challenges for Sustainability: Module structure
CHARM-EU Master’s Global Challenges for Sustainability: Module structureEnglishDocumentViewacademic learner researcher stakeholder support-stafflearning teaching
Roadmap for a common science agenda (TORCH)
Roadmap for a common science agenda (TORCH)EnglishInfographicViewresearcher stakeholderresearch
Common Science Agenda Challenge List (TORCH)
Common Science Agenda Challenge List (TORCH)EnglishDeliverableViewresearcherresearch
European Research Area Policy brief (TORCH)
European Research Area Policy brief (TORCH)EnglishDocumentViewresearcherresearch
CHARM-EU Days Programme January 2022
CHARM-EU Days Programme January 2022EnglishDocumentViewacademic learner researcher stakeholder support-staffgeneral-information
CHARM-EU Teaching and Learning Keynote at the GO-DIJIP multiplier: Joint Programmes on the Move - a laboratory for digitalisation and innovative pedagogy
CHARM-EU Teaching and Learning Keynote at the GO-DIJIP multiplier: Joint Programmes on the Move – a laboratory for digitalisation and innovative pedagogyEnglishPresentationViewacademic researcher support-staffteaching
A Framework for Designing Professional Development for Inter-institutional Teaching Programmes in Higher Education: A CHARM European University Case Study (EAPRIL 2021)
A Framework for Designing Professional Development for Inter-institutional Teaching Programmes in Higher Education: A CHARM European University Case Study (EAPRIL 2021)EnglishPresentationViewacademic researcher support-staffteaching
Inter-institutional Professional Development for Academic Teachers: A CHARM European University Case Study (EAPRIL 2022)
Inter-institutional Professional Development for Academic Teachers: A CHARM European University Case Study (EAPRIL 2022)EnglishPresentationViewacademic researcher support-staffteaching
Programme structure and content creation guidelines: MSc in Global Challenges for Sustainability
Programme structure and content creation guidelines: MSc in Global Challenges for SustainabilityEnglishDeliverableViewacademic learner researcher stakeholder support-stafflearning sustainability teaching
TORCH Infographic: Cooperation between Universities and Enterprises
TORCH Infographic: Cooperation between Universities and EnterprisesEnglishInfographicViewacademic doctoral-phd-researchers learner researcher stakeholder support-staffresearch
Learn about the Joint Virtual Administrative Office
Learn about the Joint Virtual Administrative OfficeEnglishInfographicViewlearner researcher stakeholder support-staffgeneral-information
Governance Terms of Reference
Governance Terms of ReferenceEnglishDocumentViewstakeholder support-staffgovernance
CHARM-EU Vision and Mission (2022)
CHARM-EU Vision and Mission (2022)EnglishDocumentViewacademic learner policymaker researcher stakeholder support-staffgeneral-information
CHARM-ification Concept Note
CHARM-ification Concept NoteEnglishDocumentViewacademic researcher support-staffgeneral-information
Educational and Policy Outreach and International / Intercontinental Outreach
Educational and Policy Outreach and International / Intercontinental OutreachEnglishDeliverableViewacademic learner researcher stakeholder support-staff
Picture of a laptop, a notebook, coffee with the deliverable on a table.
Capstone projects – Master’s in Global Challenges for Sustainability – 3rd Edition 2023 – 2025EnglishDocument, Infographic, PresentationViewacademic bachelor-student doctoral-phd-researchers learner master-student policymaker stakeholderlearning research sustainability teaching
Masterclass CHARM-EU Assessment presentation on a laptop screen.
Masterclass CHARM-EU AssessmentEnglishPresentationViewacademic learner researcher stakeholder support-staffteaching
Picture of a laptop, a notebook, coffee with the deliverable on a table.
Emerging Technologies ReaderEnglishDeliverableViewacademic policymaker stakeholder support-staffteaching
Picture of a laptop, a notebook, coffee with the deliverable on a table.
Key findings of the CHARM-EU Inclusiveness surveyEnglishDeliverableViewacademic learner policymaker researcher stakeholder support-staffinclusivity
Picture of a laptop, a notebook, coffee with the deliverable on a table.
Good practices in the field of inclusion and diversityEnglishDeliverableViewacademic learner policymaker researcher stakeholder support-staffinclusivity
Picture of a laptop, a notebook, coffee with the deliverable on a table.
Inclusivity plan review and key findingsEnglishDeliverableViewacademic policymaker researcher stakeholder support-staffinclusivity
Picture of a laptop, a notebook, coffee with the deliverable on a table.
Unique Funding System (Mobility)EnglishDeliverableViewacademic policymaker researcher support-staffmobility
Picture of a laptop, a notebook, coffee with the deliverable on a table.
Interactive Mobility HandbookEnglishDeliverableViewacademic policymaker stakeholder support-staffmobility
Picture of a laptop, booknoteand coffee together with the mentor handbook on a table
Mentor HandbookEnglishDocumentViewacademicteaching
Picture of the laptop, booknote and coffee on a table together with the Assessment Handbook
Assesment Techniques and Criteria ResourcesEnglish, FrenchViewacademic learner researcher stakeholder support-stafflearning teaching
CHARM-EU Presentation at the EAIE 2020EnglishViewacademic policymaker stakeholder support-staffgeneral-information governance
Business and Society – Information SessionEnglishViewpolicymaker stakeholder support-staffgeneral-information
CHARM-EU Factsheet – European Universities InitiativeView
Picture of a laptop, a booknote and coffee on the table with the CHARM-EU Branding Guidelines.
CHARM-EU Branding Guidelines and Logos manualEnglishDeliverable, DocumentViewpolicymaker support-staffgeneral-information
CHARM-EU First Progress ReportEnglishViewacademic policymaker stakeholder support-staffgeneral-information governance
TORCH Common Science Agenda: Driving Collaboration and Transdisciplinary Research to Address Global Sustainability ChallengesViewpolicymaker researcherresearch
A laptop and a coffee cup on a table together with a printed deliverable from CHARM-EU
Guiding principles for networking & community buildingEnglishViewacademic policymaker researcher support-staffgeneral-information inclusivity
Making CHARM-EU accessible to all bringing the Alliance to a table at HRW
Making CHARM-EU accessible to all bringing the Alliance to a table at HRWEnglishCase studyViewacademicteaching
Applying challenge-based learning in existing courses in Barcelona and Montpellier
Applying challenge-based learning in existing courses in Barcelona and MontpellierEnglishCase studyViewacademiclearning teaching
Report on Governance Best Practices
Report on Governance Best PracticesEnglishViewpolicymaker stakeholder support-staffgovernance
ED-AFFICHE BrochureEnglishViewacademic policymaker stakeholder support-staffgeneral-information
ED-AFFICHE Project Deliverables
ED-AFFICHE Project DeliverablesEnglishViewacademic policymaker stakeholder support-staffgeneral-information
Forum on European University Governance - March 2022
Forum on European University Governance – March 2022EnglishDeliverable, DocumentViewpolicymaker stakeholder support-staffgovernance
Hybrid classroom model
Hybrid classroom modelEnglishDeliverable, DocumentViewacademic policymaker support-staffinnovation mobility teaching
Research Assessment Report (TORCH)
Research Assessment Report (TORCH)EnglishDeliverable, DocumentViewresearcherresearch
Open Science Survey and Gap Analysis (TORCH)
Open Science Survey and Gap Analysis (TORCH)EnglishDeliverable, DocumentViewresearcherresearch
White Paper On The Governance Of European Universities: The Case of CHARM-EU
White Paper On The Governance Of European Universities: The Case of CHARM-EUEnglishDeliverable, DocumentViewpolicymaker researcher support-staffgovernance
CHARM-EU Virtual Learning Environment Minimal Viable Product Design Guide
CHARM-EU Virtual Learning Environment Minimal Viable Product Design GuideCatalà, Dutch, English, French, Hungarian, Irish, SpanishDeliverableViewacademic researcher support-staffteaching
CHARM-EU Governance: Terms of Reference
CHARM-EU Governance: Terms of ReferenceEnglishDeliverable, DocumentViewpolicymaker support-staffgovernance
Teaching and Learning Strategies Handbook
Teaching and Learning Strategies HandbookCatalà, Dutch, English, French, Hungarian, Irish, SpanishChecklist, Deliverable, DocumentViewacademic researcherlearning teaching
CHARM-EU Programme Content Guidelines
CHARM-EU Programme Content GuidelinesCatalà, Dutch, English, Hungarian, Irish, SpanishDeliverable, DocumentViewacademic policymaker researcherlearning teaching
CHARM-EU Mobility matrix, handbook and funding system
CHARM-EU Mobility matrix, handbook and funding systemEnglish, HungarianChecklist, DeliverableViewacademic policymaker researcher support-staffmobility
CHARM-EU Handbook on Governance and Management
CHARM-EU Handbook on Governance and ManagementEnglishDeliverable, DocumentViewacademic policymaker stakeholdergovernance
CHARM-EU Guide for Emerging Technologies
CHARM-EU Guide for Emerging TechnologiesEnglishCase study, DeliverableViewacademic researcher support-staffinnovation teaching
CHARM-EU Curriculum Design Blueprint
CHARM-EU Curriculum Design BlueprintCatalà, Dutch, English, Hungarian, Irish, SpanishDeliverable, DocumentViewacademic policymaker support-staffteaching
Criteria for mobility outside CHARM-EU
Criteria for mobility outside CHARM-EUEnglishDeliverableViewpolicymaker support-staffmobility
Evaluation: Exemplar Learning Experience and Masters Pilot
Evaluation: Exemplar Learning Experience and Masters PilotEnglishDeliverableViewacademic learner policymaker support-stafflearning teaching
Exemplar Learning Experiences
Exemplar Learning ExperiencesCatalà, English, Hungarian, Irish, SpanishDeliverableViewacademic learner policymaker support-stafflearning teaching
Assessment Handbook
Assessment HandbookCatalà, Dutch, English, French, Hungarian, Irish, SpanishDeliverableViewacademic support-staffteaching
Picture of a laptop, a notebook, coffee with the deliverable on a table.
Pedagogical GuidelinesCatalà, Dutch, English, French, Hungarian, Irish, SpanishDeliverableViewacademic bachelor-student doctoral-phd-researchers learner master-student policymakerlearning teaching
ELTE adapting a course from Utrecht University
ELTE adapting a course from Utrecht UniversityEnglishCase studyViewacademicteaching
European Research Area Policy brief (TORCH)
European Research Area Policy brief (TORCH)EnglishDeliverableViewpolicymaker researchergovernance research
CHARM-EU Educational Principles
CHARM-EU Educational PrinciplesEnglishDocumentViewacademic bachelor-student doctoral-phd-researchers learner master-student policymaker researcher support-stafflearning teaching