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Learning with CHARM-EU: Hot topics

Grand Finale 2025

CHARM-EU: An innovative approach to real sustainability challenges

European Commission's Executive Vice-President Roxana Mînzatu with the 3 students and alumni from European Universities alliances with the flag of the European Union on the background.

Itziar Salazar Caballero, CHARM-EU alumna, invited to a Press Moment with European’s Commission Executive Vice-President Roxana Mînzatu to Highlight the Value of European Higher Education Cooperation


A Look Back at the Winter School: Innovation, Leadership and Collaboration in Higher Education 

Educational offerings

Our world needs new solutions for a better future.

Choose from our diverse range of Master’s programmes, online and short educational courses, and Summer and Winter Schools to develop the skills you need to make a difference.

Transnational learning and mobility

Everyone is welcome at CHARM-EU!

No matter your background, current studies or work, you can tap into the CHARM-EU network for study, work or research mobilities.

Educational Principles

The CHARM-EU educational principles underpin the design of a CHARM-EU educational experience. We use them to:

  • Scaffold and guide our teaching and learning  
  • Support CHARM-EU teachers to align how they teach with the principles of CHARM-EU 
  • Make sure our teaching and learning approaches are consistent 
  • Address current innovations and best practices in teaching 

Educational Resources

Interested in how we teach and learn in CHARM-EU? Find out more in our resources section!


Pedagógiai Irányelvek: összefoglalás

A pedagógiai Irányelvekben a CHARM-EU oktatási alapelveit tárjuk fel, magas szinten leírva a tanítási és...

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Résumé des recommandations pédagogiques

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Manual d’estratègies d’ensenyament i aprenentatge

El Manual d’estratègies d’ensenyament i aprenentatge inclou eines i recursos específics perquè els acadèmics puguin...

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Manual de estrategias de enseñanza y aprendizaje

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Guia per al disseny de productes mínimament viables per a l’entorn d’aprenentatge virtual de la CHARM-EU

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