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Study with us!

Whether you are a student, a lifelong learner with a passion for learning or a professional looking to upskilling, you can access our courses, modules, programmes and winter/summer schools to build the skillset you need to make a real difference.

Educational offerings

Doctoral Researcher Summer School 2025 Developing Transdisciplinary Practice to tackle complex challenges 

Are you ready to expand your research horizons in a stimulating international environment? The University of Montpellier is hosting an exclusive Summer School dedicated to doctoral researchers who want to

Master’s in Global Challenges for Sustainability

Do you want to make a real difference? You can be a force of positive, sustainable change for the future of our planet. The Master’s in Global Challenges for Sustainability

Intercultural Communication – Short course

Is this you? Are you going on exchange studies? Are you a joint master’s degree student planning your exchange studies? Are you an academic planning teaching abroad? Are you an

Joint elective modules

Customize your degree and broaden your academic experience by taking part in CHARM-EU joint elective modules. Elective module: research hubs in Utrecht & Montpellier The 2024 edition of the […]

Winter and summer schools

Broaden your horizons. Join our short, intensive summer and winter schools for innovative, transdisciplinary learning CHARM-EU Winter School 2025 Specifications: Calendar: 13-17 January 2025 Post-academic 0 ECTS Location: Utrecht, the

Course catalogue

Would you like to take part in an innovative European learning experience? Apply for the transnational online courses provided by CHARM-EU partner universities for students interested in expanding their academic

News and inspiring stories

See what our students and staff are up to!


A Look Back at the Winter School: Innovation, Leadership and Collaboration in Higher Education 


How an Interactive App Can Enhance Interculturality in Learning


Growing from our Differences: Interculturality in CHARM-EU from the Perspective of One of Our Teaching Members


Dive into our free resources!


Resum de les directrius pedagògiques

Al recurs directrius pedagògiques s’examinen els principis pedagògics o educatius de la CHARM-EU i es...


Resumen de las directrices pedagógicas

En el recurso directrices pedagógicas se examinan los principios educativos de la CHARM-EU y se...


Pedagógiai Irányelvek: összefoglalás

A pedagógiai Irányelvekben a CHARM-EU oktatási alapelveit tárjuk fel, magas szinten leírva a tanítási és...