
International Women's Day poster. Visuals : 6 icons of people making a heart with their hands, purple background. Text: Happy International Women's Day, #inspireinclusion #IWD2024

CHARM-EU joins the celebration of International Women’s Day

Banner with photo of the second cohort of graduates in Global Challenges for Sustainability

“We have great opportunities with a CHARM-EU degree in hand”

Banner with a photo of Budapest and text: CHARM-EU mobility opportunities -  Intercultural Staff Training in Budapest for professional staff working with international students and staff

Intercultural Staff Training in Budapest open for CHARM-EU partners

Become part of the capstone, open call to external stakehodlers, submit your proposals before March 14 2024.

Learning for Sustainability: CHARM-EU’s Capstone Insights

Shaping criteria associated to the European Degree label, EDAFFICHE, Insights from ED-AFFICHE Stakeholders’ Meetings

Shaping criteria associated to the European Degree label: Insights from ED-AFFICHE Stakeholders’ Meetings

Banner with the group photo of the 2nd cohort from the Masters' in Global Challenges for Sustainability during the Grand Finale 2024 at the Faculty of Audiovisual, University of Barcelona

Apply Now! Master’s Programme in Global Challenges for Sustainability

CHARM-EU Mobility opportunities, Norway, Spain and France, for professional and academic staff

Mobility opportunities in Norway, Spain and France

Master's in: Global Challenges for Sustainability, 4th Edition, Knowledge to shape the future 09.2024 Apply Now!

Innovative CHARM-EU master’s programme open for applications

Big round table with approximately 27 persons  discussing about the European Degree label - ED-AFFICHE and the logos from the full partners UnaEuropa, 4EU+, CHARM_EU, EC2U, EU-CONEXUS, Unite! and the Co-funded by the European Union logo

Enhancing the European Degree Label

Unlocking the transformative potential of the European Degree Label: ED-AFFICHE Final Dissemination Event, 5 March 2024, Online participation

Unlocking the Transformative Potential of the European Degree Label: ED-AFFICHE Final Dissemination Event

Picture of Dr, Ágnes Sarolta Fazekas-Vinkovits and a quote from the interview:  “We are experiencing enriching practices, knowledge and attitudes from individual to organisational levels” “We are experiencing enriching practices, knowledge and attitudes from individual to organisational levels” “We are experiencing enriching practices, knowledge and attitudes from individual to organisational levels”

“Inclusiveness is everyone’s business – and within everyone’s power!”

Banner with drawing of a student learning online and title saying "Gain international experience from home: join our transnational online courses!".

Gain international experience from home: apply for our transnational online courses

Banner with the logo of the Zero Project Award

CHARM-EU is a Zero Project Awardee for pioneering inclusivity in Higher Education

4 people sitting in a conference table talking about Citizen Science and another person standing up in the podium next to the table.

Citizen Science Training Initiatives in European Universities

Banner with a drawing of a woman and a man inspecting water, the logo of Water4All, CHARM-EU and the European Union

Joint research proposal developed under TORCH wins grant

Vanessa Viganò and 2 students at the CHARM-EU hybrid room from the Université of Montpellier

Simultaneous teaching and learning in 5 countries: experiences with Hybrid Classrooms in CHARM-EU

Group Photo of the 45+ participants at the ED-AFFICHE Mid Term meeting

ED-AFFICHE Mid-term meeting: Advancing the European Degree Label

Alliances for Society 07.11.23 2023 CHARM_EU Annual Conference Julius-Maximilians Würzburg University with a drawing of a scientist, a student with a laptop in a wheelchair and a men around a small city with solar and wind energy a mountain and the sun.

Fostering Collaborations for Societal Progress: reflecting on the 2023 CHARM-EU Annual Conference 

"Living pasts, exploring futures" a CHARM-EU powered course collaboration - on the right a photo of the thress students on the lab

First steps towards a CHARM-EU powered course collaboration

Banner of the Call

Call for offering international online courses

Charm-EU R&I Days photo group at the gardens from the University of Barcelona

Diving into Water-Related Challenges

Banner of the 2nd CHARM-EU Open Science Day

2nd CHARM-EU Open Science Day and 3rd TORCH Internal Forum held successfully

ED-AFFICHE DG EAC internal meeting

Insights from the DG EAC Mid-Term Meeting

Speed dating between participants of the Engineering School Days

Inaugural European Engineering Schools and Masters Days held successfully!


Unlocking the potential of the European Degree label

Kruger National Park

CHARM-EU’s collaboration with Global South

Cover image with a woman reading in the background and the title: Open Science Recognition Award

Saskia Stevens wins the CHARM-EU Open Science Recognition Award

Image of a head and flowers

CHARM-EU joins the awareness raising for World Mental Health Day 2023

Fight food waste written with food

CHARM-EU joins the global awareness-raising of the International Day of Awareness on Food Loss and Waste Reduction on the 29th of September 2023

Banner of the Second CHARM-EU Open Science Day with an open lock and the details of the event.

Join the Second CHARM-EU Open Science Day to build OS culture and skills