
Sign languages

CHARM-EU joins the global awareness-raising International Day of Sign Languages on 23rd September 2023

banner 1200-400

Alliances for Society: CHARM-EU Conference 2023

United Nations flag

CHARM-EU Students Selected for the 2023 Regional Academy for United Nations

A globe with a student graduation hat on top of books

Shaping the future of European higher education: ED-AFFICHE, piloting the European Degree Label

Two children reading a books in a forest

CHARM-EU joins the awareness-raising of International Day to Protect Education from Attack on the 9th of September 2023

Utrecht canals

Next phase of CHARM-EU: programme expansion, appointments to Utrecht University team

Trinity's Equality, Diversity & Inclusion team: Susan Cantwell, Sam Williams, Dr Siobán O'Brien Green, Professor Lorraine Leeson and Aliyah Sy

Trinity College Dublin, member of CHARM-EU, wins a silver institutional Athena Swan award for advancing gender equality

4 persons working together around a table

ED-AFFICHE Mid-Term meeting

A banner showing details of the 2023 CHARM-EU R&I day on water

CHARM-EU R&I Days: Multidisciplinary Research on Global Water Challenges

Image with the poster of the CHARM-EU Master's in Global Challenges for Sustainability, the CHARM-EU logo and a text saying "Experiences from CHARM-EU: The road to international accreditation

Experiences from CHARM-EU: the road to international accreditation

Young people laughing in a group

International Youth Day 2023

Group photo

Exploring climate change and agriculture in Africa: field experiences from CHARM-EU students

An image of people's clasped hands, richly adorned with henna and gold jewellery

International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples

People reaching an agreement

ED-AFFICHE at the EUF workshop on pilot projects

Picture from the Research Support Offices's meeting in Budapest with the logos of the CHARM-EU Alliance and the TORCH project

TORCH Pilot Actions at the service of testing and long-term collaboration

Article cover image with text: CHARM-EU Open Science Recognition Award - Call for Submissions with CHARM-EU logo and a woman with a book in the background

Call for Submissions – CHARM-EU Open Science Recognition Award

CHARM-EU UU team celebrating the award

CHARM-EU wins the first Utrecht University Team Award

CHARM-EU Students, Take, Diana, Hazel and Conny at the ESA23 with Julien Lorentz, CHARM-EU Project Manager at the University of Montpellier

ESA23: “A Great Experience”

Peace Pod Logo

CHARM-EU PODCAST | Episode 20 I The Peace Pod – A Capstone productCHARM-EU PODCAST |

research higher education professional development teaching

Research focus: Professional development for academic teachers

World Refugee Day 20th June

CHARM-EU joins the global awareness-raising on World Refugee Day on 20th June 2023

Laura Colò

Faces of our CommUNAty: Laura Colò

Countering Hate of Speech

CHARM-EU joins the global awareness raising on the importance of Countering Hate Speech

Image with a group photo of participants of the CHARM-EU Inclusion Conference with the title: "Inclusion by Design: Key Steps of Creating the CHARM-EU Inclusion Conference"

CHARM-EU Inclusion Conference design and best practices in the new issue of the AHEAD Journal

Education approach - CHARM-EU

CHARM-EU’s Educational Approach: 10 Key Features

ESA European Student Assembly Second Edition 2023

CHARM-EU goes #ESA23

TORCH Era Progress Report

TORCH best practices featured in the REA progress report on alliance’s R&I projects 

Poster of the CHARM-EU Open Science Day with an open padlock and someone typing on a computer. Text: Online wokrshop, 9 June, 2023, 10:30-15:00

CHARM-EU Open Science Day – Online training to build OS culture and practical knowledge

Opening ceremony

CHARM-EU joins the global awareness International Day Against LGBTQIA+ Discrimination on 17th May 2023

Poster of the TRED Conference 2023. Text: Inspire. Interact. Integrate.

Co-creating space for collaborative research and learning – Join the TRED conference 2023