Report on Governance Best Practices

This report was commissioned in order to inform the preparation of the European University Alliance CHARM-EU’s governance and management model, by providing innovative ideas and lessons learned on how other […]

CHARM-EU Governance: Terms of Reference

CHARM-EU is an alliance that was created in 2019 in response to the European University Initiative launched by the European Commission. Five universities (University of Barcelona, Trinity College Dublin, Utrecht […]

CHARM-EU Handbook on Governance and Management

CHARM-EU is an alliance that was created in 2019 in response to the European University Initiative launched by the European Commission. Five universities (University of Barcelona, Trinity College Dublin, Utrecht […]

European Research Area Policy brief (TORCH)

In this policy brief, the European Universities pilot alliances report on the progress made through cooperation in selected R&I areas and provide a first set of recommendations to the European […]