Research news

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


Education Innovator Jan Haarhuis Bids Farewell

Grand Finale 2025

CHARM-EU: An innovative approach to real sustainability challenges


Stakeholders’ roundtable with CHARM-EU student’s project showcase held at ELTE

Language Centers (1)

Shaping the Future of Language Teaching: Innovation and Collaboration in CHARM-EU

The authors: Henk Kummeling, Manon Kluijtmans, Frank Miedema

The University in Transition 


ELTE Hosts the CHARM-EU Libraries’ Networking Meeting


Tackling health challenges in international linked research hub

CHARM-EU Students Tackle Environmental Challenges in Thau Basin

CHARM-EU Students Tackle Environmental Challenges in Thau Basin 

Driving multi-level impact and building the CHARM-EU R&I dimension_ showcasing the achievements of the TORCH project

Driving multi-level impact and building the CHARM-EU R&I dimension: showcasing the achievements of the TORCH project

CHARM-EU students publish conservation magazine

CHARM-EU students publish conservation magazine

Could Groundwater Management Be the Sustainable Solution for Addressing Extreme Hydrological Events

Could Groundwater Management Be the Sustainable Solution for Addressing Extreme Hydrological Events?

Banner for the TORCH Bibliographic Apps with visuals depicting networks

Discover collaboration networks in CHARM-EU with the TORCH Bibliographic Apps

4 people sitting in a conference table talking about Citizen Science and another person standing up in the podium next to the table.

Citizen Science Training Initiatives in European Universities

Banner with a drawing of a woman and a man inspecting water, the logo of Water4All, CHARM-EU and the European Union

Joint research proposal developed under TORCH wins grant

Alliances for Society 07.11.23 2023 CHARM_EU Annual Conference Julius-Maximilians Würzburg University with a drawing of a scientist, a student with a laptop in a wheelchair and a men around a small city with solar and wind energy a mountain and the sun.

Fostering Collaborations for Societal Progress: reflecting on the 2023 CHARM-EU Annual Conference 

Charm-EU R&I Days photo group at the gardens from the University of Barcelona

Diving into Water-Related Challenges

Banner of the 2nd CHARM-EU Open Science Day

2nd CHARM-EU Open Science Day and 3rd TORCH Internal Forum held successfully

Cover image with a woman reading in the background and the title: Open Science Recognition Award

Saskia Stevens wins the CHARM-EU Open Science Recognition Award

Banner of the Second CHARM-EU Open Science Day with an open lock and the details of the event.

Join the Second CHARM-EU Open Science Day to build OS culture and skills

A banner showing details of the 2023 CHARM-EU R&I day on water

CHARM-EU R&I Days: Multidisciplinary Research on Global Water Challenges

Group photo

Exploring climate change and agriculture in Africa: field experiences from CHARM-EU students

Picture from the Research Support Offices's meeting in Budapest with the logos of the CHARM-EU Alliance and the TORCH project

TORCH Pilot Actions at the service of testing and long-term collaboration

Article cover image with text: CHARM-EU Open Science Recognition Award - Call for Submissions with CHARM-EU logo and a woman with a book in the background

Call for Submissions – CHARM-EU Open Science Recognition Award

research higher education professional development teaching

Research focus: Professional development for academic teachers