CHARM-EU Branding Guidelines and Logos manual

Picture of a laptop, a booknote and coffee on the table with the CHARM-EU Branding Guidelines.

July 2020 The CHARM-EU Branding Guidelines present the main features that comprise CHARM-EU’s identity. It is designed to consolidate the CHARM-EU brand without losing its constantly transforming and innovative nature. On the following pages, the reader will find different tools that will help to understand […]

CHARM-EU First Progress Report

April 2020 The first CHARM-EU progress report aims to provide an overview of the current state of theCHARM (CHallenge-driven, Accessible, Research-based, Mobile) European Universityproject and the progress made towards its […]

Guiding principles for networking & community building

A laptop and a coffee cup on a table together with a printed deliverable from CHARM-EU

When organizing a CHARM event to foster networking among participants from diverse universities, it’s crucial to follow guiding principles focused on inclusivity, engagement, and continuity. Facilitators should create a welcoming […]