Report on Governance Best Practices
This report was commissioned in order to inform the preparation of the European University Alliance CHARM-EU’s governance and management model, by providing innovative ideas and lessons learned on how other […]
The ED-AFFICHE Team developed a brochure highlighting the achievements of the one-year pilot project and summarizing key recommendations for the European Degree.
ED-AFFICHE Project Deliverables
Representing a consortium of six European university alliances, ED-AFFICHE was a year-long initiative aimed at piloting the European Degree, providing valuable insights and resources related to the project’s objectives and […]
White Paper On The Governance Of European Universities: The Case of CHARM-EU
The objective of this White Paper is, on the one hand, the widest dissemination of the analyses, practices, proposals and challenges facing the governance of European Universities based on the […]
Open Science Survey and Gap Analysis (TORCH)
The present report contains the survey responses in summarised and raw formats along with their analysis. Furthermore, we list a number of recommended actions to further improve and propagate each […]
Research Assessment Report (TORCH)
This report outlines the impacts of implementing a connected RRI strategy on research assessment and provides recommendations on change evaluation. It focuses on SPA1 Working Towards reforming research assessment and […]
Hybrid classroom model
CHARM-EU Work Package on Information Technology has developed a document outlining the model for Hybrid Classrooms at each CHARM-EU partner university, a central feature of the CHARM Master’s programme. The […]
Forum on European University Governance – March 2022
Montpellier, March 24th-25th 2022 The Forum on European University Governance, organized in the framework of the CHARM-EU Alliance Governance Work Package, was held in Montpellier on March 24 and 25, […]
CHARM-EU Virtual Learning Environment Minimal Viable Product Design Guide
The Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) minimal viable product design guide summarizes the continuous iterative process, considerations and choices made while designing and building the VLE technology that is used during […]
CHARM-EU Governance: Terms of Reference
CHARM-EU is an alliance that was created in 2019 in response to the European University Initiative launched by the European Commission. Five universities (University of Barcelona, Trinity College Dublin, Utrecht […]