Farewell symposium Jan Haarhuis: Shaping the Future of Higher Education

Past events

The CHARM-EU Alliance has organized a variety of impactful events aimed at fostering collaboration and innovation among European universities.

Here is a list of past events that highlight their commitment to cultural exchange, education, and research.

Contextualizing Islam and its complex history

This lecture aims to provide an informed view of Islam underlining how any attempt to understand such religious tradition needs to account for the complex historical context and development of Islam, distinguishing between the premodern and the modern periods. Such a nuanced approach shall serve to debunk rampant misconceptions about Islam, often reducing its geography, […]

Alumni & Assesment day

Edifici Històric, Universitat de Barcelona Pl. de la Universitat, L'Eixample, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain

Wednesday january 29, 2025 10:00 - 10:15 Arrival and registration10:15 - 11:00 Alumni activity11:00 - 12:30 Evaluation of the Capstone: break-out focus group12:30 - 13:30 Filling out online Phase Review survey13:30 Closing

Grand Finale 2025

Edifici Històric, Universitat de Barcelona Pl. de la Universitat, L'Eixample, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain

The CHARM-EU Grand Finale is a showcase event where capstone students present their challenges, followed by a Q&A session with stakeholders and academic supervisors. The event can be attended in person at the Aula Magna, Historic Building, University of Barcelona, or online.Participants include capstone students, invitees, supervisors, stakeholders, mentors, KCT members, Academic Council members, and […]

World Café: Best Practices for European University Alliances in Professional Development

Zoom meeting information: Please follow the link. Meeting ID: 624 4554 5077 Password: 795374 Join CHARM-EU for an inspiring online event, “World Café: Best Practices for European University Alliances in Professional Development” on the 3rd of December from 10:00 to 12:00 CET. This event promises to be an interactive and enriching experience, bringing together experts […]

The transformative impact of CIVICA on global challenges | Knowledge and Informal Diplomacy

The KIND conference aims to explore the role of universities as informal diplomatic actors, deepening the understanding of their transformative role within the CIVICA alliance and the broader context of the European Universities Initiative. As our global landscape continues to evolve rapidly, knowledge serves as a critical tool for informed decision-making and innovative responses to […]

EuroTeQ Day: Innovative teaching, stays abroad, and the best of European university cooperation

On November 21, 2024 the EuroTeQ Engineering University invites all colleagues of other European Alliances or institutions not yet part of an alliance, as well as representatives of the EU institutions and National Erasmus+ Agencies, to the first EuroTeQ Day – a celebration of university collaboration and educational excellence across Europe. This unique event will bring together […]


Complementing our Annual Conference with the first ever CHARM-EU Cultural Festival, the CHARM-EU Days 2024 will focus on the broad concept of culture and intercultural learning, embracing the richness of diversity within European University Alliances and celebrating it as a source of strength and inspiration.Europe's culture is diverse and rooted in its art, architecture, traditions, cuisines, […]

AccesibleEU European Event

University of Porto Porto, Portugal

The European Accessibility Resource Centre (AccessibleEU) is one of the key initiatives proposed in the European Commission's Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030. The consortium working on this project consists of ENAT, EASPD, University Johannes Kepler Linz, UNE and is led by Fundación ONCE. This event, organised by AccessibleEU in collaboration with […]

University of Barcelona | Mobility Fair

Edifici Històric, Universitat de Barcelona Pl. de la Universitat, L'Eixample, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain

At this year's UB Mobility Fair you will find information points with staff from the international relations offices of the different faculties that will offer you personalized advice. An information session about CHARM-EU and its master's programme in Global Challenges for Sustainability will be held from 12:00 to 12:30.

European University Alliances event – Lessons learnt from SwafS projects and ways forward

In view of the recent or upcoming conclusion of several SwafS projects within pilot II European Universities Alliances, it is the ideal time to celebrate their achievements as well as to consider the opportunities and challenges that the Alliances will face in the R&I domain in the future. You'll find the programme and link to […]

5th national interdisciplinary education conference

The theme of 5th Edition of the Dutch and Flemish National Interdisciplinary Education conference will be: Boundary Crossing. Transdisciplinary teaching and learning. Marjanneke Vijge (CHARM-EU Utecht University Academic Director) will participate in the conference. Dutch and Flemish higher education institutions are very much invited to share and discuss their inspiring examples and case studies, and […]

Town Hall on Inter- and Transdisciplinarity at Trinity

Date: 9 May 2023 Time: 2 - 4:30 PM IST Location: Trinity Long Room Hub Fellow Square Trinity College Dublin 2 Ireland In April 2023, the League of European Research Universities (LERU) published a new paper, Implementing interdisciplinarity in research-intensive universities: good practices and challenges, examining progress on implementing interdisciplinarity among member universities since their 2016 position paper, Interdisciplinarity and […]