Transdisciplinary Teambuilding Workshop

The aim of this workshop was to meet with all Knowledge Creating Teams (KCTs) to create a shared working definition of transdisciplinarity and learn how to put this into practice. […]
Concept note on new aspects of the CHARM-EU mobility system

The Concept Note discusses the importance of mobility within the CHARM-EU Alliance and in the European Education Area, provides a wide overview of the conceptual considerations of WP5 regarding the […]
CHARM-EU Winter School Report: Design Exemplar

The CHARM-EU Winter School Pilot Programme took place in from January 27th to 30th, 2021. During this four-day programme student participants worked with some of Europe’s leading academics, stakeholders from […]
CHARM-EU Vision and Mission (2019)

Read more about the CHARM-EU vision and mission to become a world example of good practice to increase the quality, international competitiveness and attractiveness of the European Higher Education landscape.
Towards comprehensive mobility approaches: Marrying the inclusion, sustainability and the digital agendas

The Academic Cooperation Association (ACA) from Brussels organised an event named Towards comprehensive mobility approaches: marrying the inclusion, sustainability and the digital agendas, in which the WP5 co-lead, Luca Alexa […]
CHARM-EU Factsheet

Learn more about CHARM-EU in our factsheet.
CHARM-EU and TORCH – Educating and Researching the European University

As a member of the European University Alliance CHARM-EU, our ambition is to reconcile humanity with the planet by creating the university of the future. For European Researchers’ Night 2021 we […]
CHARM-EU Days Programme 2020

This document describes the final programme for the CHARM-EU Days conference ‘How can the European Universities initiative contribute to supporting the European Green Deal? Video recordings of panel sessions are […]
Forum on European University Governance

The Forum on European University Governance, organised in the framework of the CHARM-EU Alliance Governance Work Package, was held in Montpellier on March 24 and 25, 2022. It brought together […]
Tips for creating more inclusive CHARM-EU events

Part of designing a programme or event is essential to constantly consider and learn about human diversity, embrace it as a potential, and celebrate its rich dimensions rather than considering […]