The Utrecht University website has published an article in which programme manager Jan Haarhuis talks about his experiences with CHARM-EU.
Jan Haarhuis has been involved in the set-up of CHARM-EU from the very beginning and is one of the driving forces behind the new didactic concept that is the fundament of this European alliance. Haarhuis: “The new didactic concept makes CHARM-EU unique. We aimed high and we knew it would be complicated to, in three years’ time, develop a new didactic concept, design a master’s programme, get it accredited, and also provide the actual education. But thanks to the efforts and support of a great number of colleagues at Utrecht University and all the alliance partners, we did it.”
In the interview, Jan Haarhuis explains the added value of the cooperation for Utrecht University: “It’s hard work, but also extremely educational and enlightening. It truly yields structural European collaboration.” And, not unimportantly, CHARM-EU is a test bed university in which experimentation and innovations can be implemented quickly. Read the full interview with Jan Haarhuis on the Utrecht University website.
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