“Bridging the gap: Inclusion and Higher Education in Global 2030 Agenda. The role of European University Initiatives across Europe and beyond” – CHARM-EU’s work was featured at the EUTOPIA Inclusion Seminar on 17 June 2022

The EUTOPIA (https://eutopia-university.eu/) seminar “Bridging the Gap: Designing Higher Education Policies through Inclusion Narratives” brought together “expert by experience” voices (students and external stakeholders). These narratives have been essential to […]

Roadmap for a common science agenda (TORCH)

A detailed analysis conducted by the CHARM-EU research dimension (TORCH) and involving approximately 400 researchers highlights the common research strengths among the five partner universities and leads to a list […]

CHARM-EU Days Programme January 2022

This document describes the final programme for the CHARM-EU Days conference (January 2022) ‘European Universities’ Cooperation: toward sustainable, transdisciplinary partnerships.

Learn about the Joint Virtual Administrative Office

This infographic provides some basic information about the CHARM-EU Joint Virtual Administrative Office (JVAO) including: What is the JVAO?How is the JVAO structured?What are the tasks of the JVAO?Who do […]