Learn about the Joint Virtual Administrative Office

This infographic provides some basic information about the CHARM-EU Joint Virtual Administrative Office (JVAO) including: What is the JVAO?How is the JVAO structured?What are the tasks of the JVAO?Who do […]

CHARM-EU Vision and Mission (2022)

This mission statement entails a full joint strategy outlining the long-term vision to drive systemic, structural and sustainable impact at all levels of the institutions involved in CHARM and across […]

CHARM-ification Concept Note

As part of its 2023–2026 project, CHARM-EU seeks to support the application of its innovationsbeyond its project activities. This concept note provides a framework for such activities.

Masterclass CHARM-EU Assessment

Masterclass CHARM-EU Assessment presentation on a laptop screen.

January 2021 This presentation was used by Lubberta de Jong and Sanne van Vugt in a Masterclass about Programmatic Assessment on 12 January 2021. The agenda of the masterclass contained […]