Contextualizing Islam and its complex history

This lecture aims to provide an informed view of Islam underlining how any attempt to understand such religious tradition needs to account for the complex historical context and development of […]

Workshop: Programmatic Assessment in CHARM EU

To get to know programmatic assessment better, Hochschule Ruhr West and Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg offer a three-parts workshop series. In the first part, you will discover the basics of programmatic assessment […]

What’s it Like to Be a CHARM-EU Student?

This time, we had the pleasure of sitting down with two incredible students from the new cohort: Isabel Fernandes and José Miguel Sánchez Zaballa. After two months immersed in the […]

Instagram Short Film Festival

Are you ready to  express your passion for storytelling and culture? This festival is your chance to showcase your creativity by making a short film on intercultural experiences. Open to all […]