CHARM-EIGHT expansion project

In January 2023, CHARM-EU launched its 4-year expansion project to provide a transformative European educational experience in line with the Allliance’s mission.

The European Commission awarded a grant to CHARM-EU to deliver the CHARM-EIGHT∞ under the 2022 Erasmus+ European Universities’ Call.

During this phase, the Alliance is expanding and increasing its impact within the framework of the CHARM-EIGHT expansion project and along five strategic lines:

CHARM-EU will implement best practice governance and management across the Alliance, including in education, research, innovation and service to society. This includes strategic planning and the integration of the new partners that recently joined the Alliance. The project will also involve the design and implementation of career paths and a recognition system for the staff participating in CHARM-EU. 

Consolidating and extending CHARM-EU’s innovative educational model by maintaining a challenge-based learning lab with a visible link to research, business and society will form part of the project. The Alliance will also work on expanding its educational portfolio with a joint transdisciplinary Doctorate Programme in Sustainability, transversal trainings linked to TORCH principles, micro-credentials covering different levels and lifelong learning opportunities.

Technology enables new learning experiences. CHARM-EU will create an inter-institutional, intercultural, transdisciplinary, inclusive and sustainable campus to promote long-term cooperation in a multicultural environment. Digital infrastructures and the development of campus services and mobility options for students and staff members will be central, as will prioritising multilingualism, inclusivity and sustainability as core principles.

CHARM-EU will promote its successful innovation and best practices amongst its partner universities. The Alliance will support networking and community-building between students, researchers, partners, professional staff and academics.

CHARM-EU will continue to look outwards and engage with external partners and audiences. Our results, tools and models will be shared and partnerships will be built at local, national, European levels and outside Europe. The Alliance will keep up its work contributing to the European Educational Area as well as its forward-looking cooperation with other European University Alliances.

CHARM-EU will inspire both academic and external stakeholders to benefit its students, staff and society as whole.

Work Package Structure 

The Governance and Management manages the organisational, technical, administrative, and financial matters of the Alliance in a stronger, more consolidated and expanded manner among the partners. Its core priorities include assessing, reviewing and revising the existing Master’s programme, exploring educational opportunities for a broader audiences and engaging with external stakeholders to improve course delivery, student outcomes and find new opportunities for the Alliance to deliver its mission.

The Education team focusses on advancing and broadening CHARM-EU’s Educational Practice to enhance the alit and viability of our programmes. These include reviewing and revising the existing Master’s in Global Challenges for Sustainability as well as developing lifelong learning and micro-credential courses, bringing Doctorate programmes on stream, creating modules for exchange and integration, and showcasing exemplary learning experiences. 

The Mobility team is here to increase the number of students and staff undertaking mobility opportunities and to make it easier for them to do so. The CHARM-EU Mobility Scheme will be expanded with IT support, enabling virtual and in-person mobility where students and staff can access courses, events, and other opportunities at other CHARM-EU universities. This will enable the development of a CHARM-EU culture in which long-term cooperation and multicultural environment is possible, accessible and seamless through an inter-institutional, intercultural, transdisciplinary inclusive and sustainable campus across the partner universities.

The CHARM-EU IT team supports students, staff, and researchers engaging in activities developed by and/or for CHARM-EU by establishing a sustainable, flexible and innovative IT network and accessible and easy-to-use platforms and IT systems. This working group also works to define a model of hybrid classrooms which is dynamic and is easily replicable, responds to the pedagogical needs of its learners and the UN SDGs. The working group will also foster a digital environment that enables student participation in CHARM-EU mobility schemes by developing IT tools such as a course portfolio system, digital identity for CHARM-EU students and staff and release an independent Virtual Learning Environment.

The Internal Transformation team fosters the rollout of CHARM-EU values and practices within the Alliance and its partners. Regular networking opportunities, events and challenges targeting all staff and students will build a strong network of practitioners across the partner institutions, facilitating knowledge-building and sharing and creating room for collaboration and innovation. This working group will promote CHARM-EU values and practices for internal transformations, including education, research and innovation and service to society, mobility and incentives. 

The Professional Development working group will make it easy for a diverse group of stakeholders and external partners to engage with CHARM-EU. Support structures, policies and initiatives will enable the sharing of knowledge, experience and expertise between academic institutions and industry partners, policymakers and NGOs, among others.

CHARM-EU must look outward as much as inward. The External Relations working group enables CHARM-EU to engage meaningfully with the Alliance’s partners and external stakeholders at local, national, European and international levels. This strategy and framework will consolidate better, more dynamic ways of working, provide out students with invaluable real-world experience and share CHARM-EU’s research, innovation and educational activities amongst our external partners. This will help us to connect and collaborate with partners at all levels: local, regional national, European and outside of Europe.

The Communication, Dissemination and Impact team is here to help CHARM-EU connect with its internal and external audiences, sharing the work and expertise of our staff and students and bringing the public closer to CHARM-EU.