CHARM-EU Educational Project – Deliverable 6.2
November 2022
CHARM-EU shares Good Practices in the field of inclusion and diversity with everyone in the higher education sector and beyond: students, academic staff and administrative and any support staff, higher education professionals, and any other stakeholders and policymakers interested in learning about the collection of practices and interested in testing and apply them within their environments. Various practices, projects and research are inspiring, but at the same time, working with them needs to be carefully considered. Adapting and tailoring international practices and results to the domestic social, economic, and cultural ecosystem needs to be be made with consciousness. At the same time, stepping out of comfort zone and testing new, innovative practices is important. This report collects practices from CHARM-EU partner universities. CHARM-EU Inclusiveness Team designed a practice catalogue form with a criteria system to gather the wealth of practices across the CHARM-EU Alliance. CHARM-EU partner universities were encouraged to present a wide and diverse range of practices, from institutional policies, strategic plans, protocols, inclusion programs, educational activities, or any programs that step forward on the inclusion of underrepresented groups to specific activities. Various practices such as processes, programs, and procedures have been collected. These practices are showcased to inspire higher education institutions, stakeholders and individuals to take a leap and further test them in their realities.