Onboarding: Introducing CHARM-EU for New-comers

Onboarding: Introducing CHARM-EU for New-comers

When first hearing about CHARM-EU, the activities of the Alliance might seem complex and very broad, thus it is essential to receive structured introduction that is, at the same time, tailored to your needs. This is provided by a great diversity of CHARM-EU “Onboarding” materials that are showcased below. CHARM-EU onboarding materials target academic, research, and support staff, as well as external stakeholders cooperating with the Alliance.

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The Professional Development Team of the CHARM-EU Alliance developed a so-called “onboarding package” to introduce our purposes, the methodologies and tools we are applying, and the ways of joining the work of our various endeavours to colleagues who are not yet familiar with CHARM-EU initiatives. This package includes a range of elements tailored to the needs of different target groups within CHARM-EU. All onboarding materials are hosted on an openly accessible Miro board to ensure ease of access for those interested in our work. Additionally, synchronous sessions at the member universities incorporate these resources to support participants throughout their onboarding journey. There are three main elements of the CHARM-EU Onboarding Package.

General onboarding – for everyone not yet familiar with CHARM-EU

The general onboarding is accessible via  Miro board. Here the alliance and its main structure are introduced, also suggesting further onboarding materials that provide deeper insights into the work of CHARM-EU. A general onboarding factsheet provides an accessible introduction to the Alliance, aimed at individuals who are new to the alliance. This resource offers foundational information to help those unfamiliar with CHARM-EU’s mission and structure. It can also serve as preparatory material for more extensive courses.

Localised onboarding – to learn about CHARM-EU opportunities at your institution

Each CHARM-EU member university has developed localised onboarding materials that highlight specific benefits and opportunities within their respective institutions. These resources feature welcome videos or photos to introduce newcomers to their colleagues. In these local materials, multilingualism is applied where possible and favoured by the local institutions. All local onboarding materials can be accessed through the Miro board.

Role-specific onboarding – for those fulfilling a particular role in CHARM-EU

Role-specific onboarding includes resources tailored to specific roles. While the General onboarding and the Localised onboarding can be grounded solely on the online materials created by CHARM-EU, role-specific onboarding should happen through facilitated sessions during and after which the tailored onboarding materials can be applied by the participants.

Mentors working with CHARM-EU students are onboarded in a 2-hour onboarding session and supported in monthly activities.

For teaching staff highly involved in CHARM-EU’s educational offerings, the ‘Start to Teach in CHARM-EU’ course introduces CHARM-EU’s educational principles and methodologies. 

Temporary members of the Knowledge Creation Teams (KCTs – read more about them here) are supported by an onboarding game that covers the alliance’s basics and the master’s programme Global Challenges for Sustainability. 

Researchers have access to a structured journal that aligns with a timeline to facilitate progressive onboarding.

External stakeholders engage in a case-based session to explore potential involvement. 


General factsheet on onboarding

General onboarding

Localised onboarding

Åbo Akademi University (PDF)

Eötvös Loránd University (HU PDF, EN PDF)

Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences (PDF)

Trinity College Dublin (PDF)

University of Barcelona (video)

University of Bergen (PDF)

University of Montpellier (video)

University of Würzburg (PDF)

Utrecht University (PDF)

Role-specific onboarding. Role-specific onboarding materials are introduced in synchronous sessions and can be accessed afterwards by participants for reference. Please contact us to be invited to an onboarding session (see below).


The ClimEx-PE project grew out of the CHARM-EU framework through a series of well-defined steps

StepActionWho should be involvedCHARM-EU supporting document
1Get a general overview about CHARM-EU.Staff members (newcomers to CHARM)See resources in the previous section.
2Use Localised onboarding materials.Staff members (newcomers to CHARM)See resources in the previous section.
3aParticipate in role-specific onboarding.Staff members (newcomers to CHARM)

Educationalist, CHARM-EU staff members
Colleagues starting to work in CHARM-EU in a specific role will be contacted by the respective team regarding their onboarding.
3bRequest an onboarding activity provided by CHARM-EU’s professional development team.Staff members (newcomers to CHARM)Please fill the request form below selecting ‘I would like to participate in a CHARM-EU training.

Get support from CHARM-EU!

In case you would like to get support from CHARM-EU, please contact us using the form, providing your name, affiliation, and a brief description of your request.

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