CHARM-EU Governance: Terms of Reference

CHARM-EU Governance: Terms of Reference

CHARM-EU is an alliance that was created in 2019 in response to the European University Initiative launched by the European Commission. Five universities (University of Barcelona, Trinity College Dublin, Utrecht University, Eötvös Loránd University Budapest and University of Montpellier) gathered to create a Challenge-driven, Accessible, Research-Based and Mobile European University. The purpose of this new European University is to become a world example of the best of the European education tradition, offering a plural, inclusive, flexible, student centred learning experience to citizens from the entire world. In other words, it is a test bed for innovation and a mean to improve our universities.

To ensure the cooperation between partner universities and the sustainability of the alliance, the Work Package dedicated to the governance and management designed a governance model.
The governance can be defined as “the manner in which power and authority is exercised in organisations in the allocation and management of resources”. It relies on three main dimensions:

– Authority: who has a voice in making decisions?
– Decision-making: how are decisions made?
– Accountability: who is accountable?

This document presents and describes the governance model designed for the alliance CHARM-EU during the project phase (up to 2022). This model was designed without prejudice to further rearrangements depending on the number of members, or the nature of the proposed activities. It will be reviewed continuously to ensure its flexibility and consistence with the needs and activities of the alliance.

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