Developed in the CHARM-EU R&I dimension TORCH, the ClimEx-PE project is led by ELTE and includes researchers from UB, TCD, UU and the University of Zaragoza. The transnational and multidisciplinary team focuses on the mitigation of the impact of extreme climate events and on securing water supplies. During 2024-2025, the ClimEx-PE project is also supported by the water-related research of students of the CHARM-EU Master’s in Global Challenges for Sustainability.
These students are in the process of completing their final, Capstone projects focusing on the topics of Budapest, the City of Spas: Sustainable Water, Spa and Heritage Governance (supervised by Andrea Velich, associate professor of ELTE Faculty of Humanities) and Budapest, the City on the Danube: promoting sustainable water-management and creative innovations (supervised by Attila Varga, associate professor of ELTE Faculty of Education and Psychology).
On 17 January 2025 a workshop with a 3-party roundtable discussion was hosted at ELTE’s Faculty of Humanities, uniting various stakeholders involved in the projects. Besides the ClimEx-PE researchers from various faculties (led by principal investigator Judit Mádlné-Szőnyi, Vice-Dean at ELTE’s Faculty of Sciences), ELTE leaders including Vice-Rector Lénárd Darázs, Faculty of Humanities Dean Dávid Bartus, and Hungarian CHARM-EU representatives including Director Ferenc Takó and ELTE Capstone Lead Jesús Reyes were also present. They were joined by the leaders and representatives of the Hungarian companies – the Budapest Spas and the Budapest Waterworks – who have been supporting the water-related research of the Capstone teams at ELTE as external stakeholders.
After the successful roundtable discussions on synchronizing future possible research and internship collaborations among ELTE, CHARM-EU, EU-funded international projects like ClimEx-PE and Hungarian external stakeholders, the graduating CHARM-EU students presented their Budapest and water-related Capstone research results as part of their prototyping activity with the involvement of their stakeholders. This week, they present their final Capstone products at the Grand Finale of the Master’s programme at the University of Barcelona.
Learn more about the special Master’s in Global Challenges for Sustainability