ED-AFFICHE Project Deliverables

ED-AFFICHE Project Deliverables

Representing a consortium of six European university alliances, ED-AFFICHE was a year-long initiative aimed at piloting the European Degree, providing valuable insights and resources related to the project’s objectives and outcomes. Bellow you can find all the public project deliverables.

ED-AFFICHE Policy Recommendations on the Future of the European Degree (label)

This document provides extensive policy recommendations for implementing the European Degree Label, drawing on input from various stakeholders, including students, quality assurance agencies, employers, legal experts, programme coordinators, and national authorities. It offers guidance for the European Commission, member states, universities, and QA agencies.

Titled “ED-AFFICHE Policy Recommendations on the Future of European Degree (Label),” it covers key aspects such as criteria revisions, verification methods, and label design. Key themes include the need for European Commission coordination, improved Bologna tools, national collaboration, and ongoing exchanges within expertise communities.

ED-AFFICHE Policy Report on Best Practices and Recommendations on the Future Development and Implementation of Joint Programmes in Europe

This document is a follow-up to the ED-AFFICHE Deliverable 3.1, which analyzed legal obstacles to transnational collaboration in higher education across 20 countries. The current Deliverable 3.2, “ED-AFFICHE Policy Report,” offers solutions to these obstacles based on consultations with legal experts and provides policy recommendations for the European Commission and member states.

It highlights best practices for overcoming legal barriers and presents recommendations to ease the implementation of joint programmes in Europe. The report is based on extensive feedback from a wide range of stakeholders, including authorities, students, employers, and quality assurance agencies, across 22 countries.

ED-AFFICHE Consolidated Report on Outcomes of European Degree criteria mapping exercise

This document summarizes findings from the ED-AFFICHE questionnaire and focus group interviews with joint programme directors and coordinators. It assesses their views on the European Degree label, its criteria, and barriers to joint degrees in their countries.

Organized into three sections, it profiles respondents, maps the applicability of the proposed criteria, and analyzes obstacles to transnational collaboration. The document also compares these perspectives with legal experts’ views and ED-AFFICHE’s analysis of challenges. Finally, it offers recommendations to encourage adoption of the European Degree label and foster new collaborations.

ED-AFFICHE Obstacles for Transnational Collaboration in Higher Education

This document brings together countries’ shared experiences, best practices, and legislative approaches to addressing challenges in joint programmes. It was developed through consultations with legal experts from ED-AFFICHE university partners and regional/national authorities. Divided into five categories—Accreditation, Quality Assurance of New Programmes, Flexible Learning Paths, Curricula, and Governance Structures—it identifies obstacles, potential solutions, and legislative proposals. This comparative analysis laid the foundation for discussions with authorities and contributed to the ED-AFFICHE “Policy Report on Best Practices and Recommendations for Joint Programmes in Europe” (D3.2), further refined by feedback from legal experts.

Comparative Analysis of the Criteria Associated to the European Degree Label and the Process Behind it

This document compiles insights from various stakeholders, including joint programme directors, coordinators from ED-AFFICHE partner and associated universities, national and regional authorities, QA and accreditation agencies, employers, and students (including PhD students). It evaluates the European Commission’s proposed criteria for the European Degree label.

For each criterion, the document summarizes stakeholder perspectives on its relevance and feasibility. Where applicable, it also provides recommendations for improving or refining the criteria.

ED-AFFICHE Countries Report

This report showcase the ED-AFFICHE success stories in different European countries. How the ED-AFFICHE team together with national and regional authorities, quality assurance agencies and other actors have overcome legal obstacles for joint programme.

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