“Bridging the gap: Inclusion and Higher Education in Global 2030 Agenda. The role of European University Initiatives across Europe and beyond” – CHARM-EU’s work was featured at the EUTOPIA Inclusion Seminar on 17 June 2022

The EUTOPIA (https://eutopia-university.eu/) seminar “Bridging the Gap: Designing Higher Education Policies through Inclusion Narratives” brought together “expert by experience” voices (students and external stakeholders). These narratives have been essential to […]

Masterclass CHARM-EU Assessment

Masterclass CHARM-EU Assessment presentation on a laptop screen.

January 2021 This presentation was used by Lubberta de Jong and Sanne van Vugt in a Masterclass about Programmatic Assessment on 12 January 2021. The agenda of the masterclass contained […]