- Learning with CHARM-EU
- Educational offerings
- Transnational learning and mobility
- Learning with CHARM-EU
- Educational offerings
- Transnational learning and mobility
Submit a course
With this form, we are collecting the detailed information about the courses that will be offered in the joint course catalogue of CHARM-EU Alliance.
We are looking for courses from any study field which:
- Address regular students at BA/BSc or MA/MSc level, or PhD candidates
- Take place purely online or hybrid,
- Preferably have an interactive form of course delivery,
- And are open to accepting registered students of the CHARM partner universities into the course.
Please note that it is important that before submitting, you check with the academic authorities at your university if your online course could be potentially open to CHARM-EU students.
More detailed information can be found in the call for faculty.
You can send your questions to the following e-mail address: tol@dep.elte.hu.