Contextualizing Islam and its complex history

Past events

The CHARM-EU Alliance has organized a variety of impactful events aimed at fostering collaboration and innovation among European universities.

Here is a list of past events that highlight their commitment to cultural exchange, education, and research.

Grand Finale 2025

Edifici Històric, Universitat de Barcelona Pl. de la Universitat, L'Eixample, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain

The CHARM-EU Grand Finale is a showcase event where capstone students present their challenges, followed by a Q&A session with stakeholders and academic supervisors. The event can be attended in person at the Aula Magna, Historic Building, University of Barcelona, or online.Participants include capstone students, invitees, supervisors, stakeholders, mentors, KCT members, Academic Council members, and […]

Alumni & Assesment day

Edifici Històric, Universitat de Barcelona Pl. de la Universitat, L'Eixample, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain

Wednesday january 29, 2025 10:00 - 10:15 Arrival and registration10:15 - 11:00 Alumni activity11:00 - 12:30 Evaluation of the Capstone: break-out focus group12:30 - 13:30 Filling out online Phase Review survey13:30 Closing

Contextualizing Islam and its complex history

This lecture aims to provide an informed view of Islam underlining how any attempt to understand such religious tradition needs to account for the complex historical context and development of Islam, distinguishing between the premodern and the modern periods. Such a nuanced approach shall serve to debunk rampant misconceptions about Islam, often reducing its geography, […]

Workshop: Programmatic Assessment in CHARM EU / Sinnhaft(er) prüfen – erste Schritte in Richtung Programmatic Assessment

To get to know programmatic assessment better, Hochschule Ruhr West and Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg offer a three-parts workshop series. In the first part, you will discover the basics of programmatic assessment and will have the possibility to adapt this approach to your classes. In the second part, you can explore how this approach is implemented in […]

Workshop: Programmatic Assessment in CHARM EU

To get to know programmatic assessment better, Hochschule Ruhr West and Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg offer a three-parts workshop series. In the first part, you will discover the basics of programmatic assessment and will have the possibility to adapt this approach to your classes. In the second part, you can explore how this approach is implemented in […]