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Policy workshop – Bridging the gap between academia and Life-Long Learning: the case of EUTOPIA-FLECSLAB

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Policy workshop – Bridging the gap between academia and Life-Long Learning: the case of EUTOPIA-FLECSLAB

12 December 2024
10.30 am - 1.30 pm UTC+1

FLECSLAB stands for Flexible Learning Communities Supporting Lifelong Learning Across Borders and is an Erasmus+ project developed within one of the now 64 European Universities alliances, EUTOPIAWe would like to discuss key findings and next steps with core stakeholders in the lifelong learning arena. The FLECSLAB project is a response to the European Commission’s ambitions in the field of lifelong learning by developing flexible mechanisms that recognise short-term intensive learning efforts in a transnational context. The distinctiveness of FLECSLAB’s approach is to use European Universities alliances as the driving force for integrating an innovative lifelong learning package into the existing curriculum of the partner universities, thereby differing from the common practices to create new full fledge degrees and/or complementary units within HEI for responding to adult learners.

More information and registration before 7 December here.

European Economic & Social Committee Headquarters

Brussels, Belgium