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Instagram Short Film Festival

Instagram Short Film Festival

5 November 2024 - 6 November 2024

Are you ready to  express your passion for storytelling and culture? This festival is your chance to showcase your creativity by making a short film on intercultural experiences. Open to all students from CHARM-EU partner universities, your film will be featured on Instagram Reels, where likes count as votes!

The University of Barcelona, within the activities planned for CHARM-EU’s Cultural Festival, is organizing a CHARM-EU Instagram Short Film Festival, addressed at students enrolled in any educational programme of the CHARM-EU nine partners. The aim is to promote the Alliance’s shared values of equality, diversity and inclusivity, as well as to foster cross-cultural dialogue and exchange among students. A selection of the student’s films will be published in CHARM-EU’s Instagram account, and one of them declared winner of the Short Film Festival.

The winning short film will be awarded with two (2) full tickets for the Primavera Sound Festival 2025 (June 5-7, Barcelona). Travel and accommodation expenses are not included.

Participation Terms

About the participants:

  • Any student (bachelor’s, master’s, PhD) following studies within the CHARM-EU Universities (UB, TCD, UU, ELTE, UM, AAU, JMU, HRW, UiB) can participate in the festival.
  • Films can be authored by one or two students.
  • If the films are authored by two students, they could be from the same university or from two different universities.


About the short films:

  • Main topic: Interculturality. “The term ‘interculturality’, understood as the relations that exist between culturally diverse human groups in a given society, to refer to the relations that exist within society between diverse majority and minority constellations defined in terms not only of culture but also of ethnicity, language, religious denomination, and/or nationality” (Dietz, 2018).
    Short films should deal with intercultural experiences, situations or stories that depict crosscultural dialogue and exchange (for instance, cultural heritage, identity, language, inclusion, tolerance, multiculturalism, citizenship, participation, social responsibility, etc.). Any approach to these issues will be valid.
  • Length: No more than 90 seconds (including front cover/bumper).
  • Format: Recorded with a mobile phone in Instagram Reel format (vertical screen). The files format
    must be mp4.
    All films will include a standard front cover/bumper at the beginning, including title, authors (names and university), and the CHARM-EU logo. This cover/bumper will be added by the organizers and will last 2 seconds.
  • Language: At least two different languages should be used in the film. All films must have subtitles/captions in English.
  • Films must be original and created for the purpose of this Festival. Materials already published will not be eligible to opt for the prize. The author(s) will be the sole responsible(s) to ensure originality, authorship and no infringement of third parties’ rights.


How to participate:
Students should send their films, along with their contact details, through this registration form before October 27 (12:00 PM CET).

A Panel of Experts will screen all the films received and preselect a maximum of 9 films that will opt for the prize. The selection will be made by the panel upon consensus, on the basis of quality, originality, suitability with the festival’s topic, and diversity. The panel of experts is composed of:

  • Dr. Sergio Villanueva. Associate Professor, Faculty of Information & Audiovisual Media, University of Barcelona (Panel of Experts’ Chair).
  • Dr. Andrea Velich. Associate Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Eötvös Loránd University Budapest.
  • Matias Dahlbäck. Communications Specialist, University Services, Åbo Akademi University.
  • Clara Betsch. Member of the CHARM-EU Students Council, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg.
  • Daniel Griffin. CHARM-EU Teaching Fellow in Emerging Technology, Trinity College Dublin, and CTO at Mehhal.

Once the 9 films are preselected by the Panel of Experts, they will be published by the organizers in CHARM-EU’s Instagram account (@charm.eu). Films will be published in individual posts (i.e., one post per film). The order of publication of these posts will be decided by lot.

The moment films are published, a voting period will be opened (see timeline below). Once the voting period is closed, the film/post that got the highest number of likes will be declared winner. Note that only the likes received by the films posted in CHARM-EU’s account will be considered (regardless of how many likes those films might get in the authors’ own accounts, if published by them as well).


  • Any films that do not meet any of the abovementioned requirements will not be eligible for the
    prize, i.e., studentship, authorship, topic, length and format, language.
  • Any films that are received through a channel other than the one enabled for this purpose (see above) will not be considered.
  • The University of Barcelona retains the right to exclude from the festival any films that may be
    offensive, harmful or disrespectful due to their content, that may violate good faith, or that the Panel of Experts consider may generate any kind of prejudice.
  • The panel of experts will not make public any information concerning their deliberations to preselect the 10 films that will opt for the prize. Neither private explanations will be offered in this regard.
  • October 2-27, 2024 (12:00 PM CET): Registration form open. Reception of films.
  • October 28-30, 2024: Panel of experts’ 9 films preselection.
  • October 31, 2024 (12:00 PM CET): Publication of preselected films in CHARM-EU Instagram account.
  • October 31-November 4, 2024 (12:00 PM CET): Voting period.
  • November 5, 2024 (17:00 PM CET): The winning film is announced in CHARM-EU’s Cultural Festival. The film will be displayed, along with the two films that come in second and third place in number of likes, for the whole in-person audience.