How do European University Alliances impact on wider society?
The 2023 CHARM-EU conference brings together local and regional stakeholders from industry, business, government and NGOs to discuss their collaboration with EU university alliances.
What outcomes have been created so far? What could be improved? What other avenues can we explore?
Erasmus+ representatives, higher education institutions and alliances from across the EU will meet with existing and potential partners to shape the future of research and collaboration across the EU.
When: 7th November 2023, 08.30-18.00
Where: Julius-Maximilians Universität Würzburg, Germany (Some of the sessions will be available in a hybrid format. During the hybrid sessions, Speech-to-Text Reporters will provide real-time captioning.)
Follow the online sessions here.
Follow the Speech-to-Text here.
What we’ll discuss:
- The impact of university alliances at local and regional level
- The Erasmus+ perspective on the future of university alliances
- Shaping the future of research and education in EU universities
Who is it for: Everyone! Participants from business, government, NGOs, higher education and more are welcome to attend.
This is your EU – have your say!
Discover our reflections on the 2023 CHARM-EU Annual Conference.