Education Innovator Jan Haarhuis Bids Farewell

Education Innovator Jan Haarhuis Bids Farewell

On Tuesday, 18th February 2025, Jan Haarhuis officially bid farewell to both Utrecht University and CHARM-EU, marking his retirement. Throughout his career at Utrecht University, Jan held various positions, with a clear focus on educational innovation and reform. Since 2019, he has made significant contributions to the establishment and development of CHARM-EU.


CHARM-EU: Jan in the Driver’s Seat

Education innovator Jan Haarhuis was at the forefront of CHARM-EU’s creation. Since 2019, Jan has been actively involved in shaping this new European University Alliance. His contributions included leadership of the Teaching and Learning Strategies work package and membership on the Executive Board. Within CHARM-EU, Jan was a driving force behind educational innovation and transformation. Ferenc Takó, CHARM-EU Director at Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, describes the influence of Jan as follows: “The challenge-based educational approach is the engine powering CHARM European University, and its creation is inseparable from Jan Haarhuis’ name. He had the first vision of it, he was its leading engineer, he has participated in each phase of its conception – and when the engine was first started, we were sitting there with Jan in the driver’s seat. Strong, fast, and most reliable, but not emitting anything harmful – this engine is truly CHARM-ful.”

Disruptive ideas and high ambition

What sets Jan apart is his ability to transform ambitious ideas into reality. Gilles Subra, CHARM-EU Director at the University of Montpellier, commented: “Jan Haarhuis, an inspiring leader, exemplifies the vision of CHARM-EU as a European University. His engagement, respect, and innovative mindset have driven the alliance’s success. Through disruptive ideas and high ambition, he prioritized innovation over barriers, trusting in the power of willing individuals. Jan’s leadership and design thinking transformed the vision into reality, building a European master’s program from the ground up, beyond mere recommendations and handbooks. His impact has been both tangible and inspirational.”

Shaping the future

In honour of Jan Haarhuis’ retirement, Utrecht University organised a symposium titled ‘Shaping the Future of Higher Education’. Bert van der Zwaan, former Rector of Utrecht University, opened the symposium with a keynote address entitled ‘The Coming Great Transformation’. He poses the question of whether education systems are capable of transforming themselves to meet the challenges of tomorrow. One of the key conditions for this is that European universities must prioritise collaboration over competition. CHARM-EU serves as a good example of such cooperation, yet Bert believes there is still room for improvement. According to him, the focus of CHARM-EU should extend beyond encouraging student mobility. The EU’s policy will aim to better utilise university networks to create globally visible knowledge hubs. This policy will compel university networks to pool their resources for talent recruitment and to adapt more effectively to labour market demands. Bert envisions a significant role for CHARM-EU in this process.

The keynote was followed by an interactive panel discussion on educational innovation, explored from four distinct perspectives by Eveline Renders (EUNIS/SURF), Niels Bovenschen (UMC Utrecht), Meritxell Chaves (CHARM-EU/FOREU4ALL/University of Barcelona) and Sebastiaan Steenman (Utrecht University). The discussion included, among other topics, the significance of European Universities Alliances in driving innovations within higher education. Panel members highlighted the role of CHARM-EU as a playground, a starting point, and a flywheel. CHARM-EU facilitates connections and collaboration with European colleagues, which is the primary benefit of CHARM-EU and other alliances. Meritxell Chaves, CHARM-EU Secretary General, added that alliances are like start-ups, but gradually must move towards the next step.

Pioneering CHARM-EU’s Vision

Jan Haarhuis participated in a live interview. He reflected on how, when writing the proposal for CHARM-EU, he envisioned not just creating a new university, but doing so around a completely new educational concept: “We had the opportunity to build a new university, so we also had the chance to do something entirely innovative. In the end, we received approval from the European Commission to run a three-year pilot. We started building from scratch.” Tim Savage, who was also involved in drafting the initial proposal for CHARM-EU on behalf of Trinity College Dublin , spoke about Jan’s role, saying, “There was a lot of discussion, but always a satisfying conclusion for everyone. What’s particularly remarkable about Jan is his ability to understand both the students’ and teachers’ perspectives.”

After today, Jan will bid farewell to Utrecht University and to CHARM-EU. However, his legacy continues to inspire and shape the landscape of European higher education, with a perfect blend of forward-thinking and pragmatic action.