Roadmap for a common science agenda (TORCH)

A detailed analysis conducted by the CHARM-EU research dimension (TORCH) and involving approximately 400 researchers highlights the common research strengths among the five partner universities and leads to a list […]

Common Science Agenda Challenge List (TORCH)

TORCH’s WP4 (‘Common Science Agenda’) aims to put forward a list of research challenges, based on the joint strengths of the CHARM-EU Alliance institutions, and connected to its Thematic Areas […]

European Research Area Policy brief (TORCH)

In this policy brief, the European Universities pilot alliances report on the progress made through cooperation in selected R&I areas and provide a first set of recommendations to the European […]

CHARM-EU Days Programme January 2022

This document describes the final programme for the CHARM-EU Days conference (January 2022) ‘European Universities’ Cooperation: toward sustainable, transdisciplinary partnerships.

Workshop: Programmatic Assessment in CHARM EU

To get to know programmatic assessment better, Hochschule Ruhr West and Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg offer a three-parts workshop series. In the first part, you will discover the basics of programmatic assessment […]