Innovatív mobilitási mátrix

Az Erasmus+ program és elődei által biztosított nemzetközi hallgatói és munkavállalói mobilitások az elmúlt évtizedek során az Európai Felsőoktatási Térség kulcsfontosságú elemeivé váltak. Erre az örökségre alapozva az Európai Bizottság […]
Egyedi mobilitásfinanszírozási rendszer

A CHARM-EU elkötelezett amellett, hogy a mobilitási és a nemzetközi kitekintésű hazai tevékenységek tudatos kombinációja révén hallgatóinak és munkatársainak számos lehetőséget biztosítson arra, hogy nemzetközi környezetben működjenek együtt hallgatótársaikkal és […]
First steps towards an innovative governance and management model for a new type of alliance

This report aims at providing innovative ideas and lessons learned on how strategic alliances respond to the challenges of governance in a diverse and multicentric environment. The benchmark leads to […]
CHARM-EU Educational Principles Infographic

CHARM-EU Educational Principles Infographic
Innovative models for increasing mobility: CHARM-EU as one of the European Universities

Due to pandemic situation and being unable to meet personally, the European Association for International Education (EAIE) organised its first Community Exchange event on 14–16 October. More than 1600 participants […]
Transdisciplinary Teambuilding Workshop

The aim of this workshop was to meet with all Knowledge Creating Teams (KCTs) to create a shared working definition of transdisciplinarity and learn how to put this into practice. […]
Concept note on new aspects of the CHARM-EU mobility system

The Concept Note discusses the importance of mobility within the CHARM-EU Alliance and in the European Education Area, provides a wide overview of the conceptual considerations of WP5 regarding the […]
CHARM-EU Winter School Report: Design Exemplar

The CHARM-EU Winter School Pilot Programme took place in from January 27th to 30th, 2021. During this four-day programme student participants worked with some of Europe’s leading academics, stakeholders from […]
CHARM-EU Vision and Mission (2019)

Read more about the CHARM-EU vision and mission to become a world example of good practice to increase the quality, international competitiveness and attractiveness of the European Higher Education landscape.
Towards comprehensive mobility approaches: Marrying the inclusion, sustainability and the digital agendas

The Academic Cooperation Association (ACA) from Brussels organised an event named Towards comprehensive mobility approaches: marrying the inclusion, sustainability and the digital agendas, in which the WP5 co-lead, Luca Alexa […]