“Bridging the gap: Inclusion and Higher Education in Global 2030 Agenda. The role of European University Initiatives across Europe and beyond” – CHARM-EU’s work was featured at the EUTOPIA Inclusion Seminar on 17 June 2022

The EUTOPIA (https://eutopia-university.eu/) seminar “Bridging the Gap: Designing Higher Education Policies through Inclusion Narratives” brought together “expert by experience” voices (students and external stakeholders). These narratives have been essential to […]

Contextualizing Islam and its complex history

This lecture aims to provide an informed view of Islam underlining how any attempt to understand such religious tradition needs to account for the complex historical context and development of […]

CHARM-EU Days Programme January 2022

This document describes the final programme for the CHARM-EU Days conference (January 2022) ‘European Universities’ Cooperation: toward sustainable, transdisciplinary partnerships.

Workshop: Programmatic Assessment in CHARM EU

To get to know programmatic assessment better, Hochschule Ruhr West and Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg offer a three-parts workshop series. In the first part, you will discover the basics of programmatic assessment […]