Unique Funding System (Mobility)

Picture of a laptop, a notebook, coffee with the deliverable on a table.

December 2022 CHARM-EU Educational Project – D5.4 CHARM-EU is committed to providing its students and staff with a wide range of opportunities to interact with their peers in an international […]

Interactive Mobility Handbook

Picture of a laptop, a notebook, coffee with the deliverable on a table.

December 2022 CHARM-EU Educational Project – D5.4 The Interactive Mobility Handbook is a hands-on guide for the Joint Virtual Administrative Officers of the CHARM-EU Alliance that supports the management and […]

Mentor Handbook

Picture of a laptop, booknoteand coffee together with the mentor handbook on a table

2022 Mentors in CHARM-EU are a key part of our teaching and learning programme. They meet regularly with students (known as student mentees in this document) during the 18-month Master’s […]

Assesment Techniques and Criteria Resources

Picture of the laptop, booknote and coffee on a table together with the Assessment Handbook

July, 2021 CHARM-EU Educational Project – D4.6 This guide contains pedagogical advice to help you understand CHARMEU’s approach to designing the evaluation. It describes concrete guidelines for implementing CHARM-EU’s unique […]

CHARM-EU First Progress Report

April 2020 The first CHARM-EU progress report aims to provide an overview of the current state of theCHARM (CHallenge-driven, Accessible, Research-based, Mobile) European Universityproject and the progress made towards its […]