CHARM-EU’s educational practices represented at 4EU+ Conference on Infrastructure Collaboration

CHARM-EU’s educational practices represented at 4EU+ Conference on Infrastructure Collaboration

On the 8th of June 2022, the 4EU+ Alliance organized an online conference on Educational and Research Infrastructure Collaboration in European University Alliances that brought together representatives and practitioners from several Alliances to share experiences and lessons learned on collaboration and management of infrastructure.

Hybrid Classroom

From the CHARM-EU Alliance, Ferenc Takó (ELTE) and Jan Haarhuis (UU) participated and presented the Alliance’s joint educational infrastructure as well as concrete educational practices and developments. Alongside CHARM-EU members, representatives of the 4EU+, UNA-EUROPA, EUGLOH and EPICUR Alliances offered their contributions on current practices, challenges and efforts to enhance the collaborative potentials of university infrastructures. Speakers from the European Commission’s DG EAC and DG RTD also shared their perspectives and insights on infrastructure collaborations.

Ferenc Takó, Head of the CHARM-EU Office at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) presented some of the IT challenges and possible solutions to support the joint operation of CHARM-EU’s five partners as one European University. He described some of the plans of the CHARM-EU Alliance for the future such as sharing good practices and learning from other Alliances, strengthening the IT background, creating a common metadata structure and developing interoperability. He referred back to the CHARM-EU Governance Forum held in March 2022 as a possible approach towards cooperation between University Alliances and presented a forward-looking summary of the main conclusions about collaboration.

Jan Haarhuis, Leader of the CHARM-EU Teaching and Learning Strategies Work Package from Utrecht University introduced concrete educational practices and developments within the CHARM-EU Alliance.  He presented the Alliance’s joint master’s degree programme and the features of the CHARM-EU teaching and learning environment such as the VLE, the use of emerging technologies and hybrid classrooms. He explained in detail the build-up of the VLE as well as how the hybrid classroom works and what kind of equipment can students find and utilize in them. He also summarised the lessons learned so far in connection with VLE building and reflected on how to develop the virtual learning environment further while highlighting the main challenges and questions that need to be addressed.

For more information about CHARM-EU’s educational infrastructure and practices, download the CHARM-EU presentations for the Conference: