The roundtable was part of the public conference “Cross-border R&I in the European Universities Initiative” organised by CIVS and supported by its R&I project: RIS4CIVIS
Last 25 March the European university alliance CIVIS and its research and innovation dimension, RIS4CIVIS project organised the public conference “Cross-border R&I in the European Universities Initiative”. Participants had the opportunity to debate and share their experiences of the reality of cross-border research and innovation.
During a roundtable on “European University alliances: a new nexus of innovation”, Prof. Dr. Jordi Garcia Fernández, Vice-Rector for Research (University of Barcelona) and TORCH representative emphasised how the CHARM-EU R&I dimension is contributing to the strategic priority areas of the European Research Area action plan 2022-2024 by enabling the open sharing of knowledge and the re-use of research outputs through Open science, promoting gender equality, fostering inclusiveness, putting in place practices to better work with citizens and enterprise and enhancing the strategic capacity of the CHARM-EU partners to support researchers. All actions that act as a pathway towards reforming research assessment in which all the CHARM-EU/TORCH partners are involved.
The event that gathered about 50 people in-person in Brussels and with more than 200 people following the discussion online, including other European university alliances. It was a great opportunity to boost knowledge exchange and cooperation between the European alliances and to continue to map the future of Higher Education and Research in Europe.
For more information about the event, click here.
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