Common Science Agenda Challenge List (TORCH)

Common Science Agenda Challenge List (TORCH)

TORCH’s WP4 (‘Common Science Agenda’) aims to put forward a list of research challenges, based on the joint strengths of the CHARM-EU Alliance institutions, and connected to its Thematic Areas (Table ES1), to be developed further as pilots during the second half of the Project. The R&I transformative agenda acknowledges the diverse strengths and specialization of its partners, and relies on their complementarities to put the focus on some relevant challenges clearly connected to the UN SDGs. In addition, it will reflect on the state of the art, the financing mechanisms, barriers and common infrastructures needed to implement them.

This report lists some research challenges the Alliance could develop further as pilots during the second half of the project, from a multi-disciplinary, multi-university and gender-balanced perspective, combining curiosity-driven and utility-driven research, with a clear view on their societal impact.

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