Register now for the second TORCH Annual Forum!

Register now for the second TORCH Annual Forum!

On the 8th of March 2023, CHARM-EU is organising its second TORCH Annual Forum titled “Sharing Common R&I Policies and Strategies: strengthening collaborations towards a transformational approach”. The hybrid event – hosted by Trinity College Dublin – is open to stakeholders interested in research and innovation as well as university-industry-citizen collaboration.

Poster of the TORCH forum with scientist woman and businessman and a glowing TORCH logo

Within its Research & Innovation dimension (TORCH), the CHARM-EU Alliance is working to develop its challenge-driven transformative R&I agenda based on a transdisciplinary and intercultural vision to solve complex societal challenges. The TORCH Annual Open Forums provide the possibility to share results and achievements related to the project and discuss them together with stakeholders, other European University Alliances and institutions.

The second TORCH Annual Forum deals with the topics of research assessment reform, fostering equality, diversity and inclusion in research, championing open science and citizen science, promoting inter- and transdisciplinary research and fostering R&I cooperation between universities. The event will reflect on TORCH results connected to the Alliance’s shared common R&I policies and strategies, discuss the differences between universities regarding responsible research and innovation (RRI) and uncover legal, financial and regulatory barriers to RRI practices.

The Forum will include the outlook of the European Commission, University Alliances and stakeholders interested in research and innovation as well as university-industry-citizen collaboration. All university leaders, researchers, innovators, policymakers and actors interested are welcome to join and share their perspectives.

The key points and takeaways of the Forum will be summarised and uploaded online in a policy brief to maximize the impact of the event and contribute to further discussion.

You can find the programme and register for the hybrid event on the website of the Second Annual Forum.


Event summary:

2nd TORCH Annual Forum: Sharing Common R&I Policies and Strategies: strengthening collaborations towards a transformational approach

Dates: 8 March 2023

Location: Trinity College Dublin   

Format: on-site with hybrid sessions



Questions and queries: