Policies and regulations
These Rules, Regulations and Policies apply to all academic and educational activities in CHARM-EU including the Masters in Global Challenges for Sustainability.
Our policies
Governance and Project Management Policies and Procedures
Governance Terms of Reference
To ensure the cooperation between partner universities and the sustainability of the Alliance, CHARM-EU has designed and implemented the governance and management model and these are the Terms of Reference under which the Alliance operates.
Travel Policy
The CHARM-EU In-Person Meeting Policy defines the circumstances under which in-person meetings are deemed appropriate, sets limits on the number of in-person meetings per year for each of the Work Packages and/or other groups within the Alliance, and provides a framework for the justification of such meetings. By doing so, we aim to optimise resources, reduce costs, and improve the efficiency of the Alliance’s operations. We also look to ensure that travel occurs only when there is no other alternative in order to minimise the Alliance’s carbon footprint.
External Stakeholders management procedure
Dignity and Respect Statement
CHARM-EU is committed to upholding European values. This includes upholding and protecting an individuals’ right to Dignity and Respect. This is central to the CHARM-EU Principle of Inclusiveness and legal requirement within CHARM-EU partner jurisdictions and a requirement of the European Standards Guidelines (2015) 1.1 Policy for Quality Assurance.
Academic Policies and Procedures
Quality Management System Policy
The Quality Management System Policy sets out CHARM-EU’s commitment to an integrated approach to quality assurance and enhancement as set out in the European Standards Guidelines (ESG 2015) Standard 1.1 Policy for Quality Assurance and Standard 1.10. Cyclical External Quality Assurance and in the European Approach to Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes (2014) Standard 9 Quality Assurance. It outlines CHARM EU’s approach to quality assurance of academic programmes, of research, of administration and of the student experience.
New Programme Design and Approval Policy
The New Programme Design and Approval Policy outlines the design and approval process undertaken to ensures that CHARM EU academic programmes deliver on the CHARM EU vision, mission and education principles. It addressed the requirements of Standard 1.2 Design and Approval of Programmes of the European Standards Guidelines (ESG 2015) and Standard 3 Study Programmes of the European Approach to Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes (2014).
Procedure on the Approval of New Programmes Interim Process
The Procedure on the Approval of New Programmes Interim Process meets the specific requirements of Section C Procedure for External Quality of Joint Programmes in the EHEA of the European Approach to Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes (2014). These requirements will remain in place until such time as the resolution of awarding authority by European University Alliances.
Programme Monitoring and Review Policy
The Programme Monitoring and Review Policy aims to meet the ongoing requirement for review of CHARM-EU requirements of Standard 1.7 Information Management and Standard 1.9 Ongoing Monitoring and Periodic Review of Programmes of the European Standards Guidelines (ESG 2015) and Standard 9 Periodicity of the European Approach to Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes (2014).
Complaints Policy
The Complaints Policy provides a framework to ensure complaints are investigated in a transparent, fair and timely manner in order to reach a clear resolution, in compliance with the expectations of the European Standards Guidelines (ESG 2015), Standard 1.3 Student-Centred Learning Teaching and Assessment.
Complaints Procedure
The Complaints Procedure provides a clear pathway and timeframe for the management of Complaints within CHARM-EU , in compliance with the expectations of the European Standards Guidelines (ESG 2015), Standard 1.3 Student–Centred Learning Teaching and Assessment.
Teaching Allocations Policy
The CHARM-EU Teaching Allocations Policy details how CHARM–EU ensures the allocation of teaching staff from across the five CHARM-EU Alliance Institutions and Knowledge Creation Teams (KCT) members to resource high quality teaching and learning in academic programmes, in compliance with European Standards Guidelines (ESG 2015) Standard 1.5 Teaching Staff.
Quality Enhancement Policy
The Quality Enhancement Policy ensures that the quality of teaching and learning in CHARM-EU meets an acceptable standard.
MSc in Global Challenges for Sustainability Policies and Procedures - 120ECTS - 5th Edition (2025-2027)
Academic rules and regulations
The Academic rules and regulations apply to the admissions procedure, enrolment, education, assessment and final review of requirement in the Joint Degree Master’s Programme Global Challenges for Sustainability.
The Grants Policy contains information for students about the grants that are available to them in CHARM-EU and how they are managed.
REfunds policy
The Refunds Policy defines the conditions under which a refund of tuition feeds may be given.
student services policy
The CHARM-EU Student Services Policy sets out how the CHARM-EU Alliance Universities will cooperate to ensure the delivery of high-quality services throughout the student journey to all CHARM-EU students irrespective of their location or mode of participation in compliance with the expectations of the European Standards Guidelines (ESG 2015) Standard 1.6 Learning Resources Student Support and with the CHARM EU Education Principles.
Tuition Fees Policy
The Tuition Fees Policy ensures that the tuition fee is reviewed annually and approved by the partner institutions. The policy ensures a balance between keeping the cost for students as low as possible while keeping the programme viable.
Appeals Policy
The Appeals Policy outlines the framework on which students may bring an appeal of a decision arising from admissions, registration, assessments, disciplinary conduct, and the awarding of financial support. It outlines the timeframe for resolution and the escalation pathway for appeals and aligns with the requirements of the European Standards Guidelines (ESG 2015), Standard 1.3 Student-Centred Learning Teaching and Assessment.
MSc in Global Challenges for Sustainability Policies and Procedures - 90ECTS - 4th Edition (2024-2026)
Academic rules and regulations
The Academic rules and regulations apply to the admissions procedure, enrolment, education, assessment and final review of requirement in the Joint Degree Master’s Programme Global Challenges for Sustainability. The Rules and Regulations for Assessment & Progression regulate student assessment, examinations, qualifications, progression, withdrawal, and graduation. All students who are registered on and those who apply to the Joint Degree Programme are subject to these rules and regulations.
Appeals Policy
The Appeals Policy outlines the framework on which students may bring an appeal of a decision arising from admissions, registration, assessments, disciplinary conduct, and the awarding of financial support. It outlines the timeframe for resolution and the escalation pathway for appeals and aligns with the requirements of the European Standards Guidelines (ESG 2015), Standard 1.3 Student-Centred Learning Teaching and Assessment.
Appeals Procedure
The Appeals Procedure provides a clear pathway and timeframe for the management of Appeals within CHARM-EU , in compliance with the expectations of the European Standards Guidelines (ESG 2015), Standard 1.3 Student-Centred Learning Teaching and Assessment.
Services Policy
The CHARM-EU Services Policy sets out how the CHARM-EU Alliance Universities will cooperate to ensure the delivery of high-quality services throughout the student journey to all CHARM-EU students irrespective of their location or mode of participation in compliance with the expectations of the European Standards Guidelines (ESG 2015) Standard 1.6 Learning Resources Student Support and with the CHARM EU Education Principles.
Capstone Supervision Policy
The Capstone Supervision Policy applies to Phase 3 of the Global Challenges for Sustainability Master’s programme and explains the roles and responsibilities of those involved in Supervision to promote a consistent and positive learning experience for students. The policy aligns with the requirements of the European Standards Guidelines (ESG 2015), Standard 1.3 Student-Centred Learning Teaching and Assessment and Standard 2 and 5 of the European Approach to Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes (2014) on Learning Outcomes and Learning, Teaching and Assessment.
Tuition Fees Policy
The Tuition Fees Policy ensures that the tuition fee is reviewed annually and approved by the partner institutions. The policy ensures a balance between keeping the cost for students as low as possible while keeping the programme viable.
Refunds Policy
The Refunds Policy defines the conditions under which a refund of tuition feeds may be given. As each partner institutions’ refunds policy differs, CHARM-EU’s policy ensure fair treatment for CHARM-EU students.
Grants Policy
The Grants Policy contains information for students about the grants that are available to them in CHARM-EU and how they are managed.
Right to Review procedure
The Right to Review procedure outlines the process students should follow to request a Phase mark review.
Absence policy
Active student attendance and participation in CHARM-EU programmes is essential. The CHARM-EU Absence Policy outlines what is expected of students and the processes and procedures that are in place to ensure a positive student experience with CHARM-EU.
Registration and enrolment - Master's programme in Global Challenges for Sustainability 4th Edition
The Registration and Enrolment Regulation applies to all candidates who enrol for the Master’s in Global Challenges for Sustainability.
Please see the Student Guide 2024 (Enrolment and Registration) for more information.
Withdrawal Procedure
Some students may need to withdraw from their educational programme early. This withdrawal procedure document provides information for students considering withdrawal and outlines what steps the student and administrators should take in the event of a withdrawal.
If you need to withdraw from a CHARM-EU educational programme, please start the process here.