
Five people in a table with a digital screen background

CHARM-EU partner ELTE launches Innovation Press Club

University icon with yellow bulb on the front

TORCH Common Science Agenda: strengthening a methodology for action


2nd exploratory event towards a European Universities Initiatives Thematic group

'inclusion by design - Mainstreaming inclusion and diversity workshop keynote speakers: from left to right: Agnes Sarolta Fazekas (CHARM-EU), Catherine Gillo Nilsson (EUTOPIA), Cheyma Al Mehray (EUTOPIA), Lewis Beer (EUTOPIA)

CHARM-EU & EUTOPIA join forces to make the university of the future more inclusive

Group photo in a garden with an old building behind

Capstone hackathon in Utrecht: programme of the capstone module worked out by students and academic actors

Students walking with a yellow background

European universities and governance models: from project to reality

Three people giving a conference

European Universities students put forward 89 recommendations for the future of Europe

CHARM-EU poster second edition

Info session about the CHARM-EU Master’s held successfully

Webinar screenshot

CHARM-EU’s Quality Assurance practice in the spotlight

Educause Horizon Report cover. Piles of books

CHARM-EU Master’s teaching & learning hybrid methods reflected in the 2022 EDUCAUSE Horizon Report

University icon with yellow bulb on the front

CHARM-EU wins the 2022 Education Award

CHARM-EU poster second edition

Applications for the second edition of the CHARM-EU Master’s in Global Challenges for Sustainability is now open!


CHARM-EU’s innovative pedagogy and digitalization represented during the GO-DIJIP hybrid conference

TORCH Forum Poster

First TORCH Annual Forum held successfully!

Podcast Image_0

CHARM-EU PODCAST | Episode 18 I The CHARM-EU Capstone: by the students, for the studentsCHARM-EU PODCAST |

3 logos from the different partners

CHARM-EU partner, ELTE joined the Open Science position paper initiated by the NRDI Office of Hungary

Logo Universidades

Become part of the Capstone!

Panel Discussion

TORCH participates in a roundtable to discuss the European Universities impact on R&I

CHARM-EU poster second edition

Information Session | Master’s in Global Challenges for Sustainability

Poster Governance

Announcing the CHARM-EU Governance Forum


CHARM-EU takes part in the First European Student Assembly

IG Posts (3)

CHARM-EU PODCAST | Episode 17 | TORCH | From student to entrepreneur


Statement on behalf of FOR EU1 and FOR EU2 European Universities alliances

3 logos from the different partners

Join us and the CHARM-EU students in solving real world challenges


Joint Statement from FOREU1 and FOREU2 in support to Ukraine

TORCH Forum Poster

TORCH Annual Forum: How to join

Hybrid Classroom

The 2022 Water4Future Hackathon is in the books

NEB Prize application

New European Bauhaus Prizes 2022

NEB Logo

CHARM-EU is now partner of the New European Bauhaus

KCT Hackhaton Montpellier

Throwback: 1st KCT Hackathon in Montpellier