Farewell symposium Jan Haarhuis: Shaping the Future of Higher Education
On Tuesday 18 February 2025, Jan Haarhuis will bid farewell to Utrecht University as part of his retirement. During his career at UU, Jan has held several positions where his main focus […]
Cross-Thematic Blended Intensive Programme Organisation Guidebook

Within the CHARM-EU Masters’ in Global Challenges for Sustainability, a cross-thematic Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) is implemented to allow students to work on real sustainability challenges with academic supervisors and […]
Intercultural toolkit and annual calendar

Deliverable 16.3 CHARMEight – December 2024 The Intercultural toolkit and annual calendar highlights the diverse range of intercultural activities, events, and initiatives that took place throughout the year. This document […]
CHARM-EU: An innovative approach to real sustainability challenges

The students of the third cohort of the master’s degree, coming from 17 countries, have recently met at the University of Barcelona to present their capstone projects and conclude the […]
Pedagógiai Irányelvek: összefoglalás

A pedagógiai Irányelvekben a CHARM-EU oktatási alapelveit tárjuk fel, magas szinten leírva a tanítási és tanulási gyakorlatokat az elméletre, definíciókra, előnyökre és kihívásokra összpontosítva.
Résumé des recommandations pédagogiques

Dans le document recommandations pédagogiques, nous explorons les principes éducatifs de CHARM-EU et décrivons les pratiques d’enseignement et d’apprentissage à un niveau élevé, en mettant l’accent sur la théorie, les […]
Samenvatting Onderwijskundige Richtlijnen
In de Onderwijskundige Richtlijnen verkennen we de CHARM-EU Onderwijskundige Principes,die de onderwijspraktijk op abstract niveau beschrijven, waarbij theorie, definities, voordelen en uitdagingen worden uitgelegd per Onderwijskundig Principe.
Mobility (WP5) presentation at the 20th Hungarian National Conference on Education

WP5 presentation at the 20th Hungarian National Conference on Education ELTE colleagues of WP5 Mobility work package attended the 20th Hungarian National Conference on Education through joining the ‘Internationalisation of HE […]
Mobility (WP5) presentation at the ErasmusDays 2020@ELTE event

WP5 ELTE delegates presented the main concept of the CHARM-EU mobility system at the ErasmusDays 2020@ELTE event. The short presentation elaborates on the conceptual considerations, as well as the budgetary […]
Achoimre ar na Treoirlínte Oideolaíochta

In acmhainn na dTreoirlínte Oideolaíochta, pléimid Prionsabail Oideachais CHARM-EU, ina ndéantar cur síos ar chleachtais teagaisc agus foghlama ar ardleibhéal, le béim ar an teoiric, ar shainmhínithe, ar bhuntáistí agus […]