Social Sustainability

Social Sustainability

Delivery institution

The Open University at Åbo Akademi University
The Open University at Åbo Akademi University


Annina Kainu

Start date

14 January 2025

End date

4 April 2025

Study field

CHARM priority field

Study level

Study load, ECTS


Short description

The course Social Sustainability is an introduction to this complex and multifaceted topic. During the course, the participants will study social sustainability from various angles and reflect on what it for them and in different contexts means. Social sustainability is about our societies and their resilience, but also about wellbeing, equality, human rights, politics, security, and culture, and much more. Toward the end of the course, we will look at local and global social sustainability case studies.

Full description

See the detail here

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the learner will be able

  • to discuss what social sustainability is and how it relates to ecological and economic sustainability;
  • describe different components of social sustainability;
  • identify local and global challenges to social sustainability and give examples of and evaluate actions that promote social sustainability.

Course requirements


Places available


Course literature (compulsory or recommended):

All course materials will be available in Moodle.

Planned educational activities and teaching methods:

Recorded lectures, group work, online discussions

Course code



Assessment method

online oral presentation

Final certification

Transcript of records

Assessment date


Learning management System in use


Contact hours per week for the student:

Varies per week

Specific regular weekly teaching day/time


Time zone