CHARM-EU onboarding & inter-institutional professional development meets in Mülheim

Past events

The CHARM-EU Alliance has organized a variety of impactful events aimed at fostering collaboration and innovation among European universities.

Here is a list of past events that highlight their commitment to cultural exchange, education, and research.


Complementing our Annual Conference with the first ever CHARM-EU Cultural Festival, the CHARM-EU Days 2024 will focus on the broad concept of culture and intercultural learning, embracing the richness of diversity […]

Grand Finale 2025

Edifici Històric, Universitat de Barcelona Pl. de la Universitat, L'Eixample, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain

The CHARM-EU Grand Finale is a showcase event where capstone students present their challenges, followed by a Q&A session with stakeholders and academic supervisors. The event can be attended in […]

KCT on Intercultural Awareness Meeting

KCT on Intercultural Awareness will develop an extended version of the Intercultural Preparation module during its meeting on January 29 & 30. This enhanced module will feature in-depth content presented […]

Contextualizing Islam and its complex history

This lecture aims to provide an informed view of Islam underlining how any attempt to understand such religious tradition needs to account for the complex historical context and development of […]