Shaping the Future of Language Teaching: Innovation and Collaboration in CHARM-EU

Representatives from seven of CHARM-EU’s partner institutions gathered in Turku, Finland, to explore and develop cutting-edge ideas using a Scrum-inspired methodology. Key concepts included Physical Language Labs, Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) Courses, […]
The transformative impact of CIVICA on global challenges | Knowledge and Informal Diplomacy
The KIND conference aims to explore the role of universities as informal diplomatic actors, deepening the understanding of their transformative role within the CIVICA alliance and the broader context of […]
The transformative impact of CIVICA on global challenges | Knowledge and Informal Diplomacy
The KIND conference aims to explore the role of universities as informal diplomatic actors, deepening the understanding of their transformative role within the CIVICA alliance and the broader context of […]
Policy workshop – Bridging the gap between academia and Life-Long Learning: the case of EUTOPIA-FLECSLAB
FLECSLAB stands for Flexible Learning Communities Supporting Lifelong Learning Across Borders and is an Erasmus+ project developed within one of the now 64 European Universities alliances, EUTOPIA. We would like to discuss key findings and next […]
Which and How Many Engineers for Tomorrow?
A union of skills for a sovereign and prosperous Europe facing demographic and technological challenges. Find the programme here:
European University Alliances as a model of transnational cooperation
The online SPHERE seminar aims to provide participants with insights into the policy and practice of the European Universities Initiative (EUI) through panel discussions and case studies. While focusing on […]
Intercultural awareness preparatory course for CHARM-EU partner universities students – Coming soon

Knowledge Creation Teams (KCT) Knowledge Creation Teams (KCT) play a crucial role in addressing the evolving needs of CHARM-EU. KCTs are tasked with identifying new challenges, exploring research and educational […]
When culture brings us together

CHARM-EU is an innovative project: Challenge-driven, Accessible, Research-based and Mobile. It is also a cooperation between different European universities, cultures and languages. Eleven languages, to be precise. Many ways to […]
The Africa Charter: Advancing transformative research collaborations between Africa and the rest of the world
The Coimbra Group is delighted to invite you to register for a 2 part, interactive workshop in Brussels on Wednesday 6 and Thursday 7 November 2024, convened jointly by the […]
CHARM-EU PODCAST | Episode 22 | Everything you need to know about the CHARM-EU Annual Conference and Cultural Festival

For more details on the event and the full programme, make sure to check out our website: Listen to the episode here.