Complementing our Annual Conference with the first ever CHARM-EU Cultural Festival, the CHARM-EU Days 2024 will focus on the broad concept of culture and intercultural learning, embracing the richness of diversity […]

Report on Governance Best Practices

This report was commissioned in order to inform the preparation of the European University Alliance CHARM-EU’s governance and management model, by providing innovative ideas and lessons learned on how other […]

ED-AFFICHE Project Deliverables

Representing a consortium of six European university alliances, ED-AFFICHE was a year-long initiative aimed at piloting the European Degree, providing valuable insights and resources related to the project’s objectives and […]


The ED-AFFICHE Team developed a brochure highlighting the achievements of the one-year pilot project and summarizing key recommendations for the European Degree.

5th national interdisciplinary education conference

The theme of 5th Edition of the Dutch and Flemish National Interdisciplinary Education conference will be: Boundary Crossing. Transdisciplinary teaching and learning. Marjanneke Vijge (CHARM-EU Utecht University Academic Director) will […]

II Forum of Universities for the Future of Europe

Meeting of the European universities that coordinate the alliances of the European Universities initiative of the European Commission. Among the topics to be discussed are the legal status of alliances […]