Interactive Mobility Handbook

Picture of a laptop, a notebook, coffee with the deliverable on a table.

December 2022 CHARM-EU Educational Project – D5.4 The Interactive Mobility Handbook is a hands-on guide for the Joint Virtual Administrative Officers of the CHARM-EU Alliance that supports the management and […]

CHARM-EU Branding Guidelines and Logos manual

Picture of a laptop, a booknote and coffee on the table with the CHARM-EU Branding Guidelines.

July 2020 The CHARM-EU Branding Guidelines present the main features that comprise CHARM-EU’s identity. It is designed to consolidate the CHARM-EU brand without losing its constantly transforming and innovative nature. On the following pages, the reader will find different tools that will help to understand […]

Open Science Survey and Gap Analysis (TORCH)

The present report contains the survey responses in summarised and raw formats along with their analysis. Furthermore, we list a number of recommended actions to further improve and propagate each […]

Research Assessment Report (TORCH)

This report outlines the impacts of implementing a connected RRI strategy on research assessment and provides recommendations on change evaluation. It focuses on SPA1 Working Towards reforming research assessment and […]

Hybrid classroom model

CHARM-EU Work Package on Information Technology has developed a document outlining the model for Hybrid Classrooms at each CHARM-EU partner university, a central feature of the CHARM Master’s programme. The […]

CHARM-EU Governance: Terms of Reference

CHARM-EU is an alliance that was created in 2019 in response to the European University Initiative launched by the European Commission. Five universities (University of Barcelona, Trinity College Dublin, Utrecht […]

Teaching and Learning Strategies Handbook

June 2022 CHARM-EU Educational Project – D4.3 The CHARM-EU Teaching and Learning Strategies Handbook includes the concrete tools and resources for academics to deliver programmes and modules or capstones. The […]

CHARM-EU Programme Content Guidelines

CHARM-EU Educational Project – D3.2 The CHARM-EU Programme Content Guidelines outlines the process for identifying and developing challenge-driven, research-based, accessible, mobile educational programmes. It ensures that educational content is reflective […]