Policy interventions for a sustainable food supply chain: where are we now?

The European Green Deal is a political milestone that aims to promote a carbon-neutral economy in the European Union. Decarbonizing the complex food sector requires a unified interaction between effective […]
Meet the CHARM-dragons… GuardenAI and ForSURE win inaugural CHARM-DEN award

Each of the start-ups were required to demonstrate how their businesses address critical global challenges, followed by a Q&A with the judges. Hosted by Gavan Drohan, Head of Entrepreneurship at […]
The University in Transition

A plea for Open Science Where do we want to go in education, research, and participation, among other areas? And how do we achieve this in an open manner? These […]
Internationalisation of European Universities Alliances: The New Frontiers

Their strategies align with EU priorities, as outlined in the European Council conclusions (2021) and the European Strategy for Universities (2022), in boosting competitiveness, fostering global cooperation and promoting a […]
Student Mobility Summit | More mobility, less carbon footprint

How to balance sustainability and internationalisation? It is an increasingly important challenge for all actors involved in internationalisation activities, and is particularly acute when it comes to mobility. This dilemma, […]
CHARM-EU DEN International Pitches
The CHARM-DEN International Pitches, scheduled for 21st October 2024 from 16h to 18h UTC+2, will serve as a dynamic platform where innovation meets opportunity. This online event will […]
Successful Networking meeting in the ELTE University Library and Archives

The meeting provided insight into the diverse roles of libraries in the context of CHARM-EU and beyond. Participants worked on several challenges such as optimising the sharing of library resources, […]
CHARM-EU students graduate at special ceremony in Trinity

The ceremony was a joyous celebration of the graduates’ achievements during their Master’s programme. This is the first time that a CHARM-EU graduation has been held in Trinity, one of […]
Complementing our Annual Conference with the first ever CHARM-EU Cultural Festival, the CHARM-EU Days 2024 will focus on the broad concept of culture and intercultural learning, embracing the richness of diversity […]
Graduation students 2nd cohort – Master’s programme in Global Challenges for Sustainability
The graduation of the students of Master’s programme in Global Challenges for Sustainability second cohort will take place the 25th September at the Trinity College Dublin.