CHARM-EU kicked off the second phase of the master’s programme with a variety of activities for students

Registration opened for second edition of the CHARM-EU Master’s in Global Challenges for Sustainability

Applications for the FLOW SUMMER SCHOOL 2022 are now open!

Call for applications for Erasmus+ student mobility for studies

CHARM-EU PODCAST | Episode 12 | CHARM-EU Master’s Series – Meet our students

As the ’Global Challenges for Sustainability’ master’s has begun this September, we are truly excited to hear the thoughts of our students about their CHARM-EU journey so far, which is […]
Master’s virtual information session

Second round of applications for the ‘Global Challenges for Sustainability’ master’s is now open!

CHARM-EU PODCAST | Episode 6 | The Water theme of the ‘Global Challenges for Sustainability’ master’s flexible phaseCHARM-EU PODCAST |

For this episode of the Master’s series of the CHARM-EU Podcast, we sat down with Ádám Tóth, module coordinator of the Water theme in the flexible phase of the ’Global […]
Master’s information sessions