Biological wastewater treatment
Net-Zero banking (Business English)
GenAI and Prompt engineering for scientific Research
Design Thinking for Entrepreneurial Innovation
Making CHARM-EU accessible to all bringing the Alliance to a table at HRW
In 2023, following a strategy workshop, Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences (HRW) started a community-building initiative in its canteen (Mensa). At lunchtime, CHARM-EU-curious passers-by are invited to informally discover […]
Applying challenge-based learning in existing courses in Barcelona and Montpellier
Integrating Challenge-Based Learning (CBL) into existing courses transforms traditional teaching methods by engaging students with real-world problems. This approach not only deepens their understanding of academic content but also equips […]
Report on Governance Best Practices
This report was commissioned in order to inform the preparation of the European University Alliance CHARM-EU’s governance and management model, by providing innovative ideas and lessons learned on how other […]
The ED-AFFICHE Team developed a brochure highlighting the achievements of the one-year pilot project and summarizing key recommendations for the European Degree.
ED-AFFICHE Project Deliverables
Representing a consortium of six European university alliances, ED-AFFICHE was a year-long initiative aimed at piloting the European Degree, providing valuable insights and resources related to the project’s objectives and […]
Forum on European University Governance – March 2022
Montpellier, March 24th-25th 2022 The Forum on European University Governance, organized in the framework of the CHARM-EU Alliance Governance Work Package, was held in Montpellier on March 24 and 25, […]