CHARM-EU Guide of Experts

Researcher's card

Ramon Ramon-Muñoz

Personal and Academic Details
Email address
University & department
  • Universitat de Barcelona
  • Economics and Business
  • Economic History, Institutions and Policy and World Economy
Associate Professor
Research Profile Descriptor
R3: Established researcher
Research Expertise & Interests
Research Keywords
Biological living standards
Agri-food production and trade
Economic history
3. Good Health and Well-Being
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
10. Reduced Inequalities
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
12. Responsible Consumption and Production
Field of Science
  • 5. Social Sciences
  • 5.2 Economics and business
TORCH Thematic Line/Area
  • 1. Food, Water, Life & Health
  • 1.3. Life & Health
Other TORCH Thematic Areas
1.1. Food
1.3. Life & Health
3.1. Inequality
3.2. Economic Growth
3.4. Migration
Scopus Author ID
Google Scholar
Experience in Research Projects
European Projects
WP Leader (or alike)
Horizon Europe (or H2020 and FP7)
Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA)
National Projects
Principal Investigator
Teaching expertise
Teaching Keywords
World Economic History
Living standards in historical perspective
Economic development in historical perspective
Industrial History in historical perspective
Teaching Experience
More than 15 years