Anciens événements

Barcelona Summer School on Higher Education Policy and Management
18th June 2024

Higher Education Institutions are facing an unprecedented set of common challenges, which require integrated responses in collaboration with government and socioeconomic agents and in alliance with other universities. In this context of enormous complexity, the Global University Network for Innovation (GUNi) is launching a Higher Education Management Hub aimed at enabling qualified professionals to establish new governance models and to lead processes of change and transformation at the forefront of the HEIs. The Barcelona Summer School on Higher Education Policy and Management is a new program designed to reach these goals.

Erasmus+ Staff Training Program UB
22-26 April 2024

The ERASMUS+ STAFF TRAINING PROGRAM of the Universitat de Barcelona (UB) is part of the Erasmus+. This program offers the participants the possibility to work directly with colleagues of a specific unit or service at our institution and to get to know the University of Barcelona during one week (5 days).

University of Barcelona
Networking event: Applied Data Science Days 2024
15 & 16 May 2024

The amount of data in the world has grown dramatically in recent years and continues to do so. This creates a growing need to use this data effectively, safely, and ethically, and for important purposes, such as: How can you use social media data to detect the emergence of extremist behavior? How can you predict environmental conditions using camera data? As a transdisciplinary field, Applied Data Science can be leveraged to meet societal challenges. Applied Data Science Days is a challenge based networking event, which aim is to connect and collaborate between CHARM-EU partner universities and experts in the field of Applied Data Science.

Utrecht University, The Netherlands
FOCI Final Webinar
19 April 2024

The European Commission published a blueprint for a European degree (27 March), outlining the next steps towards the implementation of this concept and making the possibility to award and receive a European degree a reality for European higher education institutions and students. FOCI project, the partnership of YUFE, ECIU and EPICUR Alliances, has been working on piloting and testing this concept for the past year: its implications for the regulatory frameworks, criteria for awarding a European degree, and a future policy framework necessary to sustain it. As the project nears its completion, we invite you to join us for this webinar, during which the blueprint for a European degree will be further elaborated on and the main project outcomes will be presented.

Online event
Europe’s Advanced Digital Skills Summit
16 May 2024

This free one-day event in Madrid unites thought leaders from business, academia, and policy-making to chart Europe’s journey in advanced digital skills. Speakers will share insights and strategies to drive Europe's digital skills agenda forward and will showcase the specialised Masters programmes and short-term training courses that form the Strategic Objective 4 actions of the DIGITAL Programme. The summit promises to be a focal point for shaping the trajectory of Europe's digital landscape, with a pressing need for skilled professionals in areas such as cloud computing, IoT, data, AI, quantum computing, and cybersecurity. 

Madrid, Spain
UNESCO Chairs Seminar - Sustainable Development and Financing for Development
Tuesday 9 April 2024

The current series, Towards a Pact for the Future, provides transdisciplinary spaces for UNESCO Chairs, UNITWIN Networks, and other experts, to engage intellectually with the areas addressed by the Pact for the Future, the proposed outcome documents of the Summit of the Future.

This UNESCO Chairs Seminar will address (1) the issue of how to raise the profile of education, the sciences, culture, and communication on the international agenda, in view of existing and widening financing gaps’ and (2) how to attract and channel resources from various sources towards these crucial areas of UNESCO’s mandate, setting them on a sustainable path for financing.

Sensorica 2024
June 13 and 14, 2024

For the 10th time, the Institute of Measurement and Sensor Technology invites to the Workshop on Measurement and Sensor Technology for digital Transformation.
Sensorica 2024 will take place from June 13. – 14. 2024 in Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany.
The workshop is a platform for the exchange of knowledge between industry and public and commercial research institutions in the field of industrial and medical metrology as well as automotive electronics.
Scientists, developers and users get together. Current methods and procedures will be presented and close networking of the participants will be encouraged.
We invite you to download the advertising poster and promote the conference to your contacts.

Mülheim, Germany
Q&A session - Master's in Global Challenges for Sustainability 2024 Edition
March 12, 2024

Join the Q&A session about the CHARM-EU Master's in Global Challenges for Sustainability! The event is scheduled to take place on March 12 from from 18:00 to 19:00 CET, ensuring a concise and impactful experience. We'll kick things off with a brief 10-minute introduction. The next 20 minutes will be dedicated to addressing pre-submitted questions. Following that, we'll dive into a dynamic 30-minute Q&A session, offering an opportunity for real-time interaction with professors and admisnistrative staff from the master's. 

CHARM-EU, WTF? Academic opportunities and international mobility
March 14, 2024

The aim of the event is to explain and publicize what European alliances are, and in particular CHARM-EU, led by the University of Barcelona. The CHARM-EU master’s degree “Global Challenges for Sustainability” will be discussed, highlighting that we are within the registration period for the academic year 2024-2025.

The talk is addressed to all students of the University of Barcelona and exchange students and will be streamed via UBtv.

Aula Magna, Universitat de Barcelona
Erasmus+ BIP Sparking International Collaboration – Sharing Best Practises from the European Universities Alliances
20th May 2024 – 24th May 2024

Three members of EuroTeQ alliance Technical University of Munich (TUM), Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) and Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) are inviting you to Tallinn, Estonia to discuss best practises and challenges related to participation in the European Universities Alliances projects. 

Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia